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Barrett食管色素内镜与组织学的一致性观察 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:Barrett食管色素内镜与组织学的一致性观察 1 1 资料与方法 2 2 结果 3 3 讨论 3 文2:Barrett食管治疗的研究进展 4 1 药物治疗 5 2 内镜治疗 6 3 抗反流手术 7 参考文摘引言: 8 原创性声明(模板) 9 文章致谢(模板) 9 正文 Barrett食管色素内镜与组织学的一致性观察 文1:Barrett食管色素内镜与组织学的一致性观察 【Abstract】 Objective To explore the coistency of manifestation of Barretts esophagus under the pigment endoscope with its histological findings . Methods 125 cases diagnosed as affectio of esophagus were divided into two groups :one using the ordinary endoscope and the other using the pigment endoscope. In the ordinary endoscope group, the biopsy was taken from the part of pathological changes 2cm above the dentate line; in the pigment endoscope group, the affected part was dyed with 2% Lagols fluid and taken biopsy from the affectio through dying, then comparison was made with histopathologic findings. Results The seibility and rate of missed diagnosis in pigment endoscope group were 73% and 27% respectively while in the ordinary endoscope group ,they were 48% and 52%.Thus there was noticeable difference between the two groups. Conclusio The pigment endoscope has a relatively better coistency in the diagnosis of Barretts esophagus with histological findings, therefore is an uncomplicated and practical examination. 【Key words】 Barretts esophagus Pigment Endoscope Histopathology 近30年来,食管下段腺癌的发生在西方国家呈明显升高,Barrett食管(BE)已被证实与食管腺癌的发生密切相关,超过80% 的食管腺癌发生于BE[1],因此内镜诊断和随访显得很重要,而常规内镜对BE的特异性和敏感性均很低。本院从2005年以来,对BE的色素内镜下表现和组织学的一致性进行分析,现报道如下。 1 资料与方法 一般资料 2005年2月至2006年8月,选择本院门诊患者在临床上怀疑有食管疾病,如胸骨后不适感、梗阻、异物感或未怀疑食管病变而内镜下发现可疑食管病变者,根据胃镜登记号单、复数划分为色素内镜组和常规内镜组,其中常规内镜组66例,男32例,女34例;年龄23~58岁,平均(45±)岁;色素内镜组59例,男36例,女23例;年龄33~65岁,平均(48±)岁。 方法 胃镜检查用美国WelchAllyn VG-200 电子 胃镜及Olympus Pw喷射型灌洗管。按标准配置2% Lagols液。在内镜操作中,将胃底的胃液吸取干净,发现食管病变者,用50~100ml蒸馏水喷洗干净,常规内镜组在齿状线2cm以上病变处取活检。色素内镜组将喷洒导管插至贲门口,自下而上喷洒2% Lagols液10~20ml,1min以后观察粘膜着色情况,并根据病变的范围均取二块活检送常规病理检查。 常规内镜及色素内镜下对BE的判断[2]先在内镜下明确鳞柱状上皮交界处(SCJ),以食管下部纵行栅状血管消失为SCJ[3];以及胃食管结合处(



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