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江苏省南京市中考英语语法复习动词 江苏省南京市中考英语语法复习动词 PAGE / NUMPAGES 江苏省南京市中考英语语法复习动词 中考语法动词 解题技巧: 动词辨析:理解语境,选择适合句子意思的动词 ( 常考动词的基本义,比方 increase 表示增加, provide 表示供应 ) 积累固定搭配 . ( 常考动词的固定搭配,比方 provide with , reach an agreement) 模拟试题前瞻: 在近三年的模拟试题中, 多是以察看形近字、 近义词为主。 比方 re 开头的一些 单词,以 pre 开头的一些单词,都是考试的重点。同时,也有个别单词屡次被察看到,如 察看了三次的 provide...with 结构、两次的 increase 。 2016 年一模真题组 2016 六合区一模】 1. Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what nice. A. feels B. tastes C. smells D. looks 1 考点:动词词义辨析 D 【2016 秦淮区一模】 2. According to the rule, children should ______ a nearby school to receive education in Nanjing. A. enter B. treat C. support D. present 考点:动词短语辨析 A 2016 年二模真题组 2016 年 鼓楼二模】 3. My left foot was hurt in the running race, and the pain until I couldn ’t walk any longer. A. rose B. increased C. raised D. developed 答案: B 动词辨析 【2016 年 秦淮二模】 4. If you are able to donate money, ______ happiness and share knowledge, you will be successful. A. avoid B. change C. forget D. spread 答案 D 【2016 年 玄武二模】 5.Nearly two-thirds of dogs are lucky enough to _______ a gift from their masters for their birthday and Christmas. A. raise B. record C. receive D.reply 答案 C 2017 年一模真题组 【2017 年 玄武一模】 6. The amazing documentary Aerial China ( 航拍中国 ) __________ the viewers with the breathtaking beauty of th e country ’s natural landscapes. A. proves B. prevents C. provides D. praises 答案 C 动词辨析 2 【 2017 年 建邺一模】 7. The popular TV program Readers people to read aloud their favorite poems, essays and books to their loved ones. A. prevents B. invites C. regrets D. orders 答案 B 动词辨析 【 2017 年 联 合体一 模】 8. — The three cities have an agreement on Ningzhenyang Integration. — What exciting news! A. arrived B. reached C. realized D. invented 答案 B 动词辨析 【2017 年 鼓楼一模】 9. I ’m still wondering which school our son should choose. ______ him alone, he can make up his own mind. A. Leave B. Keep C. Let D. Allow 【答案】: A 【2017 年 秦淮一模】10. Many people ______ this cultural TV program can get the public interested i



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