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会计学;;;;;附属成分;John often came to chat with me. John likes oranges very much. Whenever he gets drunk,John makes Mary very angry. Hearing the news, he jumped with joy. As he was ill, he didn’t come to class yesterday. She is sitting at the desk, doing her homework. My father worked in this school ten years ago. You’d better stay here.;;;;简单句;Examples: Oh!What is that!(惊叹词) He has,alas,failed again. Come here,John.(呼语) Roll on,Ocean,roll on.; (You) Come here. (I wish you)Good luck! Some gave him praises,but others(gave him)rotten eggs. He runs as fast as, if ( he does ) not ( run ) faster, than you. ( I ) Hope you like it. John should clean the room today and Peter ( should clean it ) tomorrow. ;连接成分;简单句的基本词序;简单句的扩展成份;两个简单句的主语可以用连词and、but、both..and、either…or、neither…nor、not only…but also等连词连接组成一个简单句,但应注意主语和谓语动词的一致性。 The boss is flying to Paris. His secretary is flying to Paris. The boss and his secretary are flying to Paris. Both the boss and his secretary are flying to Paris. The boss is flying to Rome. His secretary is not flying to Rome. The boss but not his secretary is flying to Rome. The boss may be flying to Berlin. His secretary may be flying to Berlin. Either the boss or his secretary is flying to Berlin. The boss is not flying to York. His secretary isn’t flying to York. Neither the boss nor his secretary is flying to York.;两个简单句的宾语可由and、both…and等连词连接组成一个简单句。 I met Jane. I met her husband. I met Jane and her husband. I met both Jane and her husband. It was cold. It was wet. It was cold and wet. I didn’t meet Jane. I didn’t meet her husband. I didn’t meet either Jane or her husband. I met neither Jane nor her husband. 两个或两个以上限定动词也可合并为一个简单句。 We sang all night. We danced all night. We sang and danced all night.;并列句;并列句;并列句;Exercise: 请用合适的并列连词把每组句子合并为一个并列句。;由一个主句和一个或者一个以上从句所 构成的句子。在英语书面语中应用广泛。 主句是一个完整的句子,它可以独立存在。 从句是一个不完整的句子,它必须和一个 主??连用,不能独立存在。 复合句可以通过把两个以上简单句连接 在一起构成,但复合句的各组成部份并非 同等重要,其中一个句子由从属连词引 导(从句),用以修饰另一句子(主句)。


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