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management systems and measure s establishe d by, a nd a number of pragmatic, combi ned part-time w orkforce e ducation information, t he protecti on of the digital campus construction and sustaina ble development. Six Bureau atta ches great importa nce to informati on te chnol ogy se curity, infor mation technology security, entrust XX City Center for e ducational informati on a nd equipment dedi cated t o the work. Netw ork se curity lea ding gr oup was set up, chaired by the Educati on Bureau Chief, hea d, for XX e ducation Metro -network a nd i nformation se curity emerge ncy response l eadership. Deputy group lea der for XX educational metropolita n area network a nd i nformation se curity emerge ncy re sponse coordi nation, command. T he team assi st leader and deputy l eade r, responsi ble for network XX netw ork se curity a nd i nformation ... eam. Information se curity w ork Conference held each seme ster, and deployment of information se curity of docume nts issue d on a regul ar ba sis. Information se curity assessment is i ncluded i n the a nnual i ndex. Stri ctly impleme nt the i nformation se curity budget t o ensure i nformation se curity of investment. By XX, education i nformation a nd equi pment Centre XX network network security and i nformation security. A ccording t o the informati on technology security requirements, i ssued a document requires school s ( units) impleme nt, defi ned the information se curity gui delines, specifi c work practices, pr ocedures, and requirements. Clear industry information se curity i ncidents (accidents) to dete ct, report and di sposal pr ocesses. Accordi ng to self -examination, the school (units) basi c establi shed ha s netw ork se curity manageme nt system; the school (units) according to thi s units act ual, esta blished ha s units per sonnel ma nagement, i nformation system room management , and equipment ma nagement, a nd media management, a nd network security construction m


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