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MBA联考写作描述图画或图表的常用句型 MBA联考写作描述图画或图表的常用句型 PAGE / NUMPAGES MBA联考写作描述图画或图表的常用句型 【经典资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】 【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,WORD文档,可修改】 MBA 联考写作:描述图画或图表的常用句型 As can be clearly seen from the picture, 。 从这张画中可以清楚地看到, 译:从这张画中可以清楚地看到,随着国际文化交流的增加,越来越多的外国人渴望访问中国。 As can be clearly seen from the picture, with the increase in cultural exchange among countries, an increasing number of foreigners are eager to visit China. 中华考试网 2. As is shown above, 正如上面所示, 译:正如上面所示,有两幅漫画描述了两种完全不同的情景。一幅描绘了人们在努力工作,而另一幅暗示了懒惰导致失败。 As is shown above, there are two cartoons presenting two quite different situations. One depicts people who are working hard, while the other implies that laziness results in failure. What a vivid picture it is! It tells us that 这是一幅多么生动形象的画啊 !它告诉我们 译:这是一幅多么生动的画啊 !它告诉我们, 爱就像一盏在黑暗中的油灯, 它照亮了人们的心灵。 What a vivid picture it is! It tells us that love is just like an oil lamp in the dark, which lightens people‘s hearts. According to the statistics given in the table, 根据表中所给的统计数字, 译:根据表中所给的统计数字,最近 5 年来旅游者的人数大大增加, 2002 年达到 80,000,000 人。 According to the statistics given in the table, the number of tourists has grown greatly, 80,000,000 people in 2002. 5. This chart shows that 这张示意图表明, 译:这张示意图表明, 全世界吸烟者的人数不断上升,占总人口的 20%. This chart shows that the number of smokers continues to climb (rise), __________ 20 % of the total population. It is indicated by the graph that这张曲线图表 示, 译:这张曲线图表示,某些野生动物物种的灭绝 (extinction) 与世界人口的猛增密切相关。 It is indicated by the graph that the extinction of some species of wild animals __________ the sharp increase of the world ‘s population. It can be seen from the statistics (or picture) that 从这些统计数字 (或这张图画 )中可以看到, 译:从这些统计数字 (或这张图画 )中可以看到,随着城市中汽车数量的不断增加,空气污染和噪音已经成为威胁城市居民生存的主要公害 (public hazards)。 It can be seen from the statistics (or picture) that with the rapid increase in the number of cars, air pollution and noise have become the main public hazards threatening the survival of city residents. It is generally believed (或 accepted, thought, held) that 人们普遍认为,


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