交际英语口语Part 2 unit 2.pptx

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Unit 2 In the SupermarketInstructional ObjectivesSituational ConversationsSupplementsMake Your Own TalkInstructional Objectives学习目标Inquiring the salesman about the locations of goods in the supermarket.Inquiring the salesman about the price of goods in the supermarket.Getting to know the most commonly used payment methods at the checkout.Talking about the quality problems with the staff after buying the goods.Situational Conversations主要内容生词对话生词delivery n. 递送,运动 bulk n. 大宗,大批shopping cart 购物车 at the entrance 入口处make deliveries 送货 bulk buying 大宗买卖free of charge 免费Dialogue AA:Excuse me, are there any more shopping carts?B:Yes, you can find it at the entrance.A:But there isn’t a single one right now.B:OK, I’ll get one for you.A:Thank you, I’ll wait here.B:Here it is. It’s really hard to find a shopping cart at this moment.A:请问,有多余的购物车吗?B:有,您可以在入口处找到。A:但是现在一个都没有。B:好吧,我给您找一个。A:谢谢。我在这里等。B:给您。此刻找购物车真的挺难的。Dialogue AA:Thanks a lot. By the way, do you make the deliveries?B:We make deliveries only for bulk buying.A:Is it free of charge?B:No, but the charge is rather low.A:OK, thank you.B:Not at all.A:非常感谢。顺便问一下,你们提供送货吗?B:我们只为大宗购买提供送货。A:送货免费吗?B:不,但是费用相当低。A:好的,谢谢。B:不客气。生词organic adj. 有机的,绿色的 identify v. 识别,认出label n. 标签 packet n. 包装aisle n. 过道,通道 condiment n. 调味品,佐料ketchup n. 番茄酱 organic vegetable 有机蔬菜on the packet 在包装上 soy sauce 酱油Dialogue BA:Excuse me. Do you sell organic vegetables here?B:Yes, we do. They’re right in front of you. Here. Do you see?A:Sure. Thank you. You should have a sign on them, so that people could identify which are organic and which aren’t.B:The organic vegetables are marked with the blue label. A:Where is the blue label?B:On the packet, sir.A:请问你们卖有机蔬菜吗?B:有的,就在您前面。在这里,看到了吗?A:看到了,谢谢。你们应该有标示,让顾客知道哪些是有机蔬菜,哪些不是。B:有机蔬菜都有蓝色的标签。A:标签在哪里?B:在包装上,先生。Dialogue BA:One more question.B:Yes?A:We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in?B:That would be in aisle 6, with the condiments. It is right next to the ketchup.A:Thank you.A:


