交际英语口语Part 1 unit 4.pptx

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学习目标 Learning how to ask the way to a place. Knowing how to talking about traffic flows, such as traffic jam, road accident and parking ticket. Knowing how to take a bus, take a taxi and so on. Learning some vocabularies, phrases and sentences about traffic. 主要内容 生词 对话 Situational Conversations netherlands n. 荷兰 follow v. 跟随 roundabout n. 环岛交叉口 traffic n. 交通 follow your nose 一直走 go straight on 直走 traffic circle 交叉口 turn left 左转 walk on 继续前进 traffic light 红绿灯 turn right 右转 生词 A:Excuse me, Sir. Do you speak English? B:Sure, almost everyone speaks English in Netherlands. A:Do you know the way to the Tivoli Garden’s Restaurant? B:Yes. Follow your nose until you get the roundabout. A:Sorry, will you speak more slowly? I can’t follow you. B:OK, I say you go straight on, and then you can see the roundabout. A:先生,你好!请问你会说英语吗? B:我会说英语,在荷兰几乎所有人都会说英语。 A:你知道怎么去宏福花园餐厅吗? B:知道。一直走到那个环岛交叉口。 A:不好意思,你能说慢点儿吗?我听得不太明白。 B:我的意思是一直走,走到那个环岛处。 Dialogue A A:Excuse me. What does “roundabout” mean? B:OK, a roundabout is a traffic circle. Then you turn left first and walk on until you see the traffic light. Then turn right. A:I got it. Thanks. B:You are welcome. A:不好意思,打断一下。环岛是什么意思? B:哦,环岛就是圆形的交叉口。你先往左拐,然后直走,走到红绿灯那里再右拐。 A:我明白了。谢谢你! B:不客气。 Dialogue A passenger n. 乘客 fare n. 票价;车费 drop v. 投下,丢下 get on 上车 get off 下车 go down 沿着 as far as 直到;就……而言 watch out 留意;留心 生词


