交际英语口语Part 1 unit 5.pptx

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学习目标 Understanding the importance of good health. Introducing some main methods of keeping good health. Learning some usual and important vocabularies and expressions about health. Mastering how to talk about health with other people. Learning how to express your own symptoms to doctors. 主要内容 生词 对话 Situational Conversations horrible adj. 可怕的,讨厌的 toothache n. 牙痛 urge vt. 规劝,催促 dentist n. 牙医 hate v. 讨厌;憎恨 have a toothache 牙疼 生词 A:Oh! I have a horrible toothache. B:I strongly urge you to change your diet. You should not eat too many desserts. A:Nothing works with my toothache now. B:You should go to the dentist. A:I hate dentists. B:If you have a toothache, you have to go to the dentist. A:哦,我的牙痛死了。 B:我强烈建议你赶紧改变饮食习惯,你甜食吃得太多了。 A:现在说这个对我的牙疼没用。 B:你该去看看牙医。 A:我讨厌看牙医。 B:如果你牙痛,你应该去看牙医的。 Dialogue A A:It always hurts. I hate going. B:Stop being such a baby. If it really hurts that much, just let them knock you out. A:OK, OK, I’ll go. B:Good. You will feel better after you do that. A:经常牙疼。我讨厌去(看牙医)。 B:别像个小孩子似的,如果牙真的那么痛的话,就让医生治疗。 A:好了好了,我会去的。 B:这就对了,去了之后你会觉得好受一些的。 Dialogue A symptom n. 症状 chilly adj. 寒冷的 dizzy adj. 眩晕的 dehydrated adj. 脱水的 soda n. 苏打水 pulse n. 脉搏;脉冲 get cramp 喘不过气 take one’s blood 给某人抽血 生词 A:Hi, Benjamin. I’m Dr. Green. What seems to be the matter? B:I’ve been feeling pretty ill for a few days now. A:What are your symptoms? B:I feel chilly, I’ve got cramps, I keep throwing up, and I feel dizzy and tired. A:It sounds like you


