交际英语口语Part 2 unit 1.pptx

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Unit 1 In the RestaurantInstructional ObjectivesSituational ConversationsSupplementsMake Your Own TalkInstructional Objectives学习目标Learning how to book a table and order a meal.Knowing how to pay for dinner.Knowing how to make evaluation of a meal or a restaurant.Talking about different kinds of staple food, soup, drink and dessert.Situational Conversations主要内容生词对话生词reservation n. 保留,预订 book v. 预订until conj. 在……以前 attend v. 参加;出席lastly adv. 最后;最后地 make a reservation 预订in that case 既然这样Dialogue AA:Bruno Bistro, may I help you? B:Yes. Hello, I would like to make a reservation please. A:Certainly sir, for which day and time please? B:Tonight at seven. A:I’m sorry sir. We are fully booked tonight until eight. B:In that case, eight o’clock is fine. A:布鲁诺小酒馆,我能为您做点儿什么吗?B:是的。你好,我想预订晚餐。A:好的,先生,是要预订哪一天什么时间点的呢?B:今晚七点。A:抱歉先生。晚上八点前的座位都已经预订满了。B:这样的话,晚上八点也可以。Dialogue AA:Very well, and how many people will attend tonight? B:Four people. A:Lastly, may I please know what name I should make the reservation under? B:Mark. A:好的,请问你们今晚有多少人来这就餐呢?B:四个人。A:最后,能告诉我您的名字吗?我需要写在预订册子上。B:马克。生词Order v. 预订;n. 订单 staple n. 主食ginger n. 姜 ready adj. 准备好的in the rear 在后面;背后 come with sb. 跟随某人staple food 主食Dialogue BA:Welcome to our Colonial Tramcar Restaurant, Madam. Where would you like to sit? B:I’d like to sit in the rear. A:All right. Come with me, please. B:Thank you!A:Here is your seat, Madam. Would you like to order now? B:Yes.A:What would you like to drink? A:欢迎光临电车饭店,女士。您想坐在哪儿?B:我想坐在后面。A:好的,请跟我来。B:谢谢!A:请您坐这儿,女士。您想现在点餐吗?B:是的。A:想喝点什么呢?Dialogue BB:Wine, please. A:What kind? B:Something real Australian. A:Would Chablis be all right? B:Yes. That would be fine. A:What would you have for staple food? B:I’ll have Chicken and Ginger Burger with Chilli Dressing. A:OK. Your food will be ready soon. B:葡萄酒。A:哪一种葡萄酒呢?B:只要是正宗的澳大利亚葡萄酒就行。A:白葡萄酒可以吗?B:好的,可以。A:主食您需要什么呢?B:鸡和带辣酱的生姜汉堡。A:好的。您的菜很快就来。生词waiter n. 服务员 roast v. 烤;烘mistake n. 错误 fry v. 油炸;油煎 oyster n. 牡蛎 cause v. 导致;造成inconvenience


