外研版七年级英语下册Module 2 What can you do Unit2 I can run really fast 教学课件.ppt

外研版七年级英语下册Module 2 What can you do Unit2 I can run really fast 教学课件.ppt

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7. We can make our classroom beautiful. 我们会使教室非常漂亮。 此句子中的make是“使、使得”意思,一般用于“make + 宾语 + 宾补”这种结构,常用的句型是: make + sb. / sth. + adj. 意为“使某人或某物处于某种状态”。例如: The news made him happy. 这个消息使他很高兴。 当然,除了接形容词作宾补外,还可以接名词、动词的过去分词等作宾补。例如: They all want to make Jim their monitor. (名词) 他们都想让吉姆当班长。 1. get on (well) with 和……相处(得好),相当于get along (well) with 2. be ready to do sth. 准备做某事,乐意/愿意做某事 3. choose sb. as … 选某人做… 4. promise to do sth. 保证/答应/承诺做某事 5. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事=like doing sth. enjoy oneself = have a good time 过的愉快;玩的开心 6. everybody =everyone 每个人 用法:做主语时,动词用单数形式。 2 Unit 2 I can run really fast. I’d like to join … club because I can … football What are the monitors mentioned in the passage? The class monitor, the PE monitor and the cleaning monitor. Time: 15s (Fast reading) 速读 Fast-reading (快速阅读-泛读) 1、What would Lingling like to be? 2、What does Daming want to be? 3、What would Tony like to be? She would like to be the class monitor. He wants to be PE monitor. He would like to be the cleaning monitor. 1. I get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. get on well with sb. 表示“与……相处的很好” “get on badly with sb.”是这个词组的反义词,表示“与……相处的不好”。 对于“与……相处的怎么样”的询问,用特殊疑问词how. e.g.: --How do you get on with your neighborhoods? --Just so so. Key knowledge points get on well with sb.与…友好相处 = get along well with sb. 与…相处得不好 get on/along badlly with sb. She ___ ___ ___ ____ her brother. 若询问“与某人相处的如何”,用“how”来提问。 gets on badlly with 2. Read the passage and check(√) the true sentences. 1. Lingling doesn’t get on well with others. ( ) 2. Lingling is kind to everyone.( ) 3. Daming is good at sport so he wants to be the PE monitor.( ) 4. Daming plays football for the school.( ) 5. Tony doesn’t like cleaning.( ) 6. Tony’s home is tidy.( ) × 2. I work hard, and I do well at school. I’m really good at


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