外研版七年级英语下册Module 4 Life in the future Unit3-2课件.ppt

外研版七年级英语下册Module 4 Life in the future Unit3-2课件.ppt

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Module 4 Life in the future组卷网 Unit 3 Language in use ;Learning aims;如果表示的是未来的事实或对将来的预测等, 我们可以用“will+动词原形”来表示。will 没有人称和数的变化。如: 1) There will be a big park over there. 那边将建成一个大型的公园。 2) They will send their homework to the teacher by email. 他们将通过电子邮件将作业发给老师.;2. 表示将来“不会”, 就用其否定式 “ will not / won’t ”。 如:学科组卷网 网 I think everyone will study at home and will use computers. They won’t use books. 我想人人会??在家里用计算机学习, 他们不 用课本。 3. 询问将来的事, 将will提到句首构成它的 疑问形式。如: Will there be computers in school? 学校里会有计算机吗? ;Be going to: 1. 表达打算或计划做某事,强调事先考虑好的意图. 2. 根据迹象来推测将要发生的事. Will: 1. 表达未来的事实或将来的预测. 2. 表示未经事先考虑的意图. 3. 表示意愿.;4 Put the words and expressions from the box into the correct column.;Robots in Japan;5. Making a poster about life in the future in your home town;6 Work in groups of four. Talk about your ideas. Describe on five good ideas.;A: Will we find new ways to travel? B: Yes, we will. we’ll… C: Will the weather change? D: Yes, it will. It will be… ;Life in the future ;1. I _______________ visit the zoo at this weekend. 2. Robots ____ do many things for us in the future. 3. ___ he _______ do his homework this evening. 4. ____ computers be large in the future? 5. The radio says it ____ be sunny tomorrow. 6. _____ you please help me? 7. What a cold wind day! __ it ________ snow? 8. There ____ be small and cheap cars in the future.;汉译英: 1.明天,我们学校将有场足球赛,我准备去看. 2.我打算和李明一起复习功课. 3.将来每个人都有一台计算机. 4.美美正在做饭.今天晚上她要把饭带到晚会上去. 5.我理想的学校将有宽大的教室和图书室. 6.学生将在电脑上与老师对话. 7.将来有学校吗?不,没有 8.我们将使用因特网在家里学习.;1. Tomorrow, there will be a football match in our school. I`m going to watch it. 2. I`m going to revise lessons with Li Ming. 3. Everyone will have a computer in the future. 4. Meimei is cooking,she will take the food to the party this evening. 5. My dream school will have big classrooms and libraries. 6. Students will talk to their teachers on the computers. 7. Will there be schools in the future? No, there won’t. 8. We will use th


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