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2021 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 英语二试题 SectionⅠUseofEnglish Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET.(10points) Its not difficult to set targets for staff. It is much harder 1 to understand their negative consequences. Most work-relatedbehaviorshavemultiplecomponents 2 oneandtheothersbecomedistorted. Travelon aLondonbusandyoull 3 seehowthisworkswith drivers.Watchpeopleget on and showtheirtickets.Are they carefully inspected?Never.Do people get on without paying? Of course!Are there inspectors to 4 that people have paid?Possibly,butvery few.Andpeoplewhorun forthebus?They are 5 .How aboutjumpinglights?Busesdo soalmost asfrequentlyascyclists. Why?Becausethetarget is 6 .Peoplecomplainedthatbuseswerelate andinfrequent 7 ,thenumber ofbusesand buslaneswereincreased,anddriverswere 8 orpunishedaccordingtothetimethey took.Anddrivershitthesetargets.But they 9 hit elites. If the target was changed to 10 you would have more inspectors and more sensitive pricing. If the criterion changedto safety,youwouldgetmore. 11 driverswhoobeyedtrafficlaws.Butboththesecriteriawouldbeatthe expenseoftime. There is another 12 :peoplebecame immensely inventive in hitting targets.Haveyou 13 that you can leave on a flight anhour latebut stillarriveon time?Tailwinds?Of coursenot!Airlineshave simply changedthetime 14 ismeantto take.A one-hour flightisnowballadasatwo-hour flight. The 15 of the story is simple. Mostjobs are multidimensional, with multiple criteria. Choose one criterion and you may well 16 others.Everything can be done faster andmade cheaper,but there is a 17 . Setting targetscan and doeshave unforeseennegativeconsequences. This is not an argument against target-setting. But it is an argument for exploring consequences first.



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