
3.8 动词(8) 情态助动词练习(3) 虚拟语气 (70题) -高考英语语法填空考点分解练.pdf

3.8 动词(8) 情态助动词练习(3) 虚拟语气 (70题) -高考英语语法填空考点分解练.pdf

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2022 年高考英语语法填空考点分解练之—— 情态助动词专项练习 (三) 虚拟语气 用括号内所给动词的正确形式完成下面的句子。 1.— Catherine,Ihavecleanedtheroom foryou. —Thanks.You______ (do)it.I couldmanageit myself. Keys: ★needn’thavedone 2.If I______ (plan) to do anything Iwantedto,I’d like to go toTibet andtravelthrough asmuch ofit aspossible. Keys: ★couldplan 3.— Don’tyou think itnecessarythathe______ (not send)toMiamibuttoNewYork? — I agree,buttheproblem isthathehasrefusedto. Keys: ★★(should)notbesent 4.Ifyou______ (be) fired,yourhealth careand otherbenefitswillnotbeimmediately cut off. Keys: ★★Shouldbe/were/weretobe 5. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I ______ (take) the trouble to carry my umbrella with me. Keys: ★neednthavetaken 6.Asyou workedlateyesterday,you______ (not come)thismorning. Keys: ★needn’thavecome 7.— Turn offtheTV,Jack,______ (not do)yourhomeworknow? — Mum,justten moreminutes,please. Keys: ★★shouldn’tyoubedoing 8.Itoldyour friendhowtoget tothehotel,butperhapsI______ (drive)herthere. Keys: ★★shouldhavedriven 9.— My cat’sreally fat. —You______ (not give)havegivenher somuch food. Keys: ★★shouldn’thavegiven 10.— I’m sorry.I______ (not shout) atyou theother day. — Forget it.Iwasabit out ofcontrolmyself. Keys: ★★shouldn’thave shouted 11.But fortheirhelp,we______ (not finish)theprogram in time. Keys: ★★couldnothave finished 12.But forthehelp ofmy English teacher,I______ (notwin)the first prize in theEnglishWriting Competition. Keys: ★wouldnothavewon 13.Hedidnotregret sayingwhathedidbut feltthathe______ (express) it differently. Keys: ★★couldhaveexpressed 14.Thisprinter isof good quality.If it______ (break) down within the first year,wewouldrepair it at our expense. Keys: ★shouldbreak/weretobreak/broke 15.Thedoctorrecommendedthatyou______ (not swim) after eating alargemeal. Keys: ★shouldnt swim 16.—Theweatherhasbeenhot anddry. —Yes.If it hadrained even a drop,thingswouldbemuch better now!And my vegetables______ (not die). Keys



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