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2021高考英语核心词汇精析+ 阅读练习 (十二) 一:词汇精析 get along/ on ①ifpeople get along/ on,they have a friendly relationship 和睦相处,关系良 好;②todealwith ajob or situation ortomakeprogress 进展; ③tomanageor survive 应付, 过活 get around ①ifnewsor information getsaround,it istoldtoalot ofpeople 传播,流传; ②togo or traveltodifferentplaces 各处走动 ③get away with to not be caught or punished when you have done something wrong 做坏事而未受惩罚 getby to manage to live or do a particular thing using the money,knowledge, equipment, etc.thatyou have 维持生计,设法过活,勉强应付 get downto tostart doing somethingthatneedsalot oftimeor energy 开始做 (需要花费许 多时间或精 力的事) getinto toreach aparticular stateor condition ... ① 陷入, 处于, 达至 ; ②todevelop aparticular habit 养 成某种习惯 get on ①get aboard something 上 (车、船等); ②tobe successfulinyourjob 事业有成,获得成功; ③tocontinuedoing something 继续干 get over ①tosuccessfully dealwith aproblem or difficulty 解决,克服; ②tofeelbetter after an illnessorbadexperience 从(疾病或痛苦的经历)中恢 复过来; ③todo andfinish somethingdifficultthat you havetodo 完成,结束 (令人不 快但免不了 的事); ④succeed in communicating ideas or information to other people 把……说清 楚,使理解 get ridof tothrow away or destroy somethingyou donotwant any more 摆脱,除掉,处 理掉 getthrough ①to come successfully tothe end of an unpleasant experience or period oftime, ortohelp someonedothis 熬过; ②tofinish or complete something 完成,结束; ③toreach aperson that isdifficulttoreach 到达 (某人处); ④tobe successfulin an exam,etc 一顺利通过 (考试等); ⑤tosucceedin speakingto someoneonthetelephone 接通电话 【即学即练】翻译下面各句中的划线部分 1—Onlythosewhohavealot in common can get alongwell —Ibegtodiffer.Oppositessometimesdoattract. 2.Andtheword quickly got aroundthathewasfromNewYork City 4.Becoming fluent in alanguagewilltakeyears,but learningtogetby takesalot less. 5.Anyway,wereherenow,soletsget downto some seri



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