5G FR1频段小基站参考设计 scf251 - 5g nr fr1 reference design:The case for a common, modular architecture for 5G NR FR1 small cell distributed radio units DEC-2021.pptx

5G FR1频段小基站参考设计 scf251 - 5g nr fr1 reference design:The case for a common, modular architecture for 5G NR FR1 small cell distributed radio units DEC-2021.pptx

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5G FAPI: RF and Digital;Small Cell Forum develops the technical and commercial enablers to accelerate small cell adoption and support the digital transformation of enterprises and communities. Broad roll-out of small cells will make high-grade mobile connectivity accessible and affordable for industries, enterprises and for rural and urban communities. That, in turn, will drive new business opportunities for a widening ecosystem of service providers. Our focus and work program reflects two key areas of diversification in the small cell ecosystem – the emergence of alternative deployment models such as neutral hosting and private networks, and Open RAN specifications enabling disaggregation of small cells at both component and network level. We have driven the standardization of key elements of small cell technology including Iuh, FAPI, nFAPI, SON, services APIs, TR-069 evolution and the enhancement of the X2 interface. These specifications enable an open, multivendor platform and lower barriers to densification for all stakeholders. Today our members are driving solutions that include: 5G components, products, networks Neutral host multi-operator requirements Open RAN small cells disaggregation Private networks enterprise requirements Deployment and regulation Edge compute with small cell blueprint End to end orchestration All content in this document including links and references are for informational purposes only and is provided ‘as is’ with no warranties whatsoever including any warranty of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or any warranty otherwise arising out of any proposal, specification, or sample. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property rights is granted or intended hereby. ?2007-2021 All rights reserved in respect of articles, drawings, photographs etc published in hardcopy form or made available in electronic form by Small Cell Forum Ltd anywhere in the world. The Small Cell Forum Release Progr


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