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Module 36 │ 单词点睛 【活学活用】 He managed to finish the work on time __________________________________his lack of experience. =He managed to finish the work on time __________________that he lacked experience. =He managed to finish the work on time _______________ he lacked experience. 尽管缺乏经验,他还是按时完成了这项工作。 despite/in spite of/regardless of despite the fact though/although 外研版-选修6-全册课件全文共245页,当前为第222页。 Module 36 │ 单词点睛 4 overlook  v. 俯瞰,远眺;没注意到,忽视 【活学活用】 (1)We _________the church from our house. 我们可以从家中俯瞰教堂。 (2)She _________________________and tried to pretend nothing had happened. 她没有理会他的粗鲁举动,竭力装作若无其事的样子。 overlook overlooked his rudeness 外研版-选修6-全册课件全文共245页,当前为第223页。 Module 35 │ 单词点睛 (3)Emotional or mental problems can ____________________ a physical cause. 身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。 arise from/out of 外研版-选修6-全册课件全文共245页,当前为第190页。 Module 35 │ 短语储存 短语储存 1 by mistake  错误地 make a mistake   犯错误 mistake A for B 误把A 当成B 【活学活用】 (1)—I am sorry to have taken your umbrella____________. —Thats all right. “我很抱歉错拿了你的伞。” “没关系。” (2) She __________________for her twin sister. 她常被误认为是她的孪生姐姐/妹妹。 by mistake is often mistaken 外研版-选修6-全册课件全文共245页,当前为第191页。 Module 35 │ 短语储存 2 break down   分解;出故障;中断;感情控制不住 break in     闯入,强行进入;打断,插嘴 break into 强行进入;突然……起来 【活学活用】 用break短语的适当形式填空 (1)I could tell the story much more easily if you didnt _________so often. (2)News reports say peace talks between the two countries have _____________with no agreement reached. (3)The robber ____________the bank,trying to take away some money. (4)She ____________and cried when she heard the news. break in broken down broke into broke down 外研版-选修6-全册课件全文共245页,当前为第192页。 Module 35 │ 句型透视 句型透视 1.…it is generally agreed that it is one of the best science fiction stories ever written. ……这本小说被认为是写得最好的科幻小说之一。 It is generally agreed that…大家普遍认为…… 【相关拓展】 Its generally/widely/universally acknowledged/believed/thought/recognized/accepted that… 外研版-选修6-全册课件全文共245页,当前为第193页。 Module 35


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