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Installation and Operation Manual ATEM Television Studio Switchers June 2020 English, 日本語, Français, Deutsch, Español, 中文, 한국어, Русский, Italiano, Português and Türkçe. Languages To go directly to your preferred language, simply click on the hyperlinks listed in the contents below. English 3 日本語 213 Français 423 Deutsch 635 Español 846 中文 1057 한국어 1268 Русский 1479 Italiano 1691 Português 1902 Türkçe 2113 English Welcome Thank you for purchasing an ATEM switcher for your live production work! If you’re new to live production switchers, then you’re about to become involved in the most exciting part of the television industry and that’s live production! There is nothing like live production and it’s so easy to become addicted to the adrenaline rush of editing in real time while the live event unfolds before your eyes. It’s real television the way it should be! Previously, broadcast quality live production has always been way too high in cost for most people to afford, while affordable switchers lacked broadcast features and quality. The new ATEM switchers change this, and you can use them for the most amazing professional live production results. We hope you get years of use from them and have lots of fun with your live production! This instruction manual should contain all the information you’ll need for installing your ATEM Production Switcher. The ATEM switcher includes a software control panel which you can run on your computer or you can purchase a hardware based broadcast control panel separately. The computer and control panels connect to your ATEM switcher via a network cable and you can directly connect them together without any extra equipment! Please check the support page on our web site at for the latest version of software for your ATEM switcher. Simply connect your computer to the ATEM switcher and the ATEM hardware control panel via USB to update software so you get all the latest features! When downloading software, please register with your infor




