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UNIT 15 General Description of the VC Suspension Polymerization Process( 氯乙烯悬浮聚合过程概述) At the present time few new plants being built consist of reactor of less than 15000 gallon capacity, having a batch size of about 25 tones of monomer. 目前正建造的新反应器很少有小于15000加仑的,约25吨单体所需要的釜尺寸。 Smaller reactors were often glass lined to give a smooth that would resist the laydown of deposits on the walls.③ Larger reactors are usually of polished stainless steel.④ 小型的(氯乙烯悬浮聚合)反应器内壁搪拨玻璃使壁面光滑,以防止聚合物粘壁。而大的反应器通常是抛光的不锈钢(内壁)。 The polymerization of vinyl chloride is a very exothermic reaction and so the ability to remove heat is usually the limiting factor in attempting to minimize reaction times. 氯乙烯的聚合反应是放热反应,所以移走热量的能力常常是使反应时间最小化的限制因素。 第30页,共51页,编辑于2022年,星期四 UNIT 15 General Description of the VC Suspension Polymerization Process( 氯乙烯悬浮聚合过程概述) As the size of reactors has increased the surface area to volume ratio has decreased thus aggravating the problem. the surface area to volume ratio,比表面积 随着反映其尺寸的增加,比表面积减小,从而使(散热)问题更严重。 Internal cooling coils are not usually used as they would attract deposits and be difficult to clean and thus have an adverse effect on product properties. cooling coil,冷却旋管 通常不采用内部的冷却旋管(进行冷却),因为这些管路很容易沉积而且很难清洗,对产品质量的影响是负面的。 The problem is often overcome by the use of chilled water or the fitting of a reflux condenser which, via the continued refluxing of vinyl chloride monomer, utilises its latent heat of vapourisation for cooling purposes.⑤ 解决问题的方法是采用冷冻水或安装回流冷凝器,回流冷凝器连续回流氯乙烯单体,利用单体的蒸发潜热冷却反应物料。 第31页,共51页,编辑于2022年,星期四 UNIT 15 General Description of the VC Suspension Polymerization Process( 氯乙烯悬浮聚合过程概述) Cold water is usually charged to the reactor first although it is sometimes preheated. 冷却水通常先被加入反应器中,尽管这样有时可能被预热。 The pH regulator is then added followed by the dispersant (s) are sprinkled onto the surface of the aqueous phase immediately before sealing the reactor which is then evacuated to remove oxygen as this can increase polymerization time and affect product


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