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自我鉴定 | Self-identification 实用借鉴| Practical lessons 页 PAGE 1 自我鉴定 | Self-identification 实用借鉴| Practical lessons PAGE 0 对罗斯福的评价英文版 报告 报告 2022年 月 日   罗斯福曾任美国海军部副部长,参与美西战斗,并在古巴的圣地亚哥战役中战功卓越,获得圣胡安山好汉的称号。下面是我为大家带来对罗斯福的评价英文版,信任对你会有帮忙的。 对罗斯福的评价篇二对罗斯福的评价篇三   A Comprehensive Evaluation of Roosevelt s New Deal   Roosevelts New Deal was a policy adjustment made by the American bourgeoisie to overcome the economic crisis. It was a partial adjustment of the relations of production in the form of state intervention in the form of state intervention in order to adapt it to the needs of social production under the precondition of safeguarding the capitalist system. It does not change the nature of capitalism, it is impossible to fundamentally eliminate the capitalist economic crisis. But it is the capitalist countries of the social and economic life and other aspects have a significant impact.   Its direct impact is: it to a certain extent, reduce the economic crisis on the serious destruction of American society and promote the recovery of social productivity, consolidate the rule of capitalism.   The indirect effect is: due to economic recovery, the relative ease of social contradictions, to a certain extent, restore peoples confidence in the US national system, thereby curbing the economic crisis caused by fascism, to avoid countries such as Germany and Japan took to fascism The dictatorship of the road.   Its far-reaching impact is: the New Deal adopted by the states policy of comprehensive economic intervention, opened up the capitalist countries to strengthen economic intervention policy precedent. This policy strengthened the American monopoly capitalism, which not only became the beginning of modern American monopoly capitalist economic system, but also had a serious impact on the development of economic policies of many other capitalist countries. Since then, the capitalist countries have gradually abandoned the traditional laissez-faire economic policy, g


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