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2022年美国大学生数学建模竞赛题目F—全球公平 空间优秀论文六篇(含Matlab源码) 问题F:全球公平空间2 全球公平空间4 即将到来的小行星开采,未来的全球公平 27 所有人的一个空间,全部适用于公平世界52 共同的世界 77 评估全球公平和小行星挖掘效应 102 在太空中收获!前景和公平 127 2022 ICM Problem F: All for One and One (Space) for All! Background Most of the worlds nations signed onto the United Nations, Outer Space Treaty of 1967, agreeing that e ploration and use of outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, shall be carried out fbr the benefit and in the interests of all countries, irrespective of their degree of economic or scientific development, and shall be the province of all mankind^. The United Nations (UN) aims to promote global peace and reduce inequities. As the foundation of international space law, the Outer Space Treaty has provided the legal underpinnings fbr proj ects that have promoted multinational access to space, such as the International Space Station and the use of satellites to browse the Internet in even the most remote locations. But will this international promise of equit hold as humankind looks to harvesting space-based resources? Consider the possibility of asteroid mining. There are many open questions about asteroid mining, such as whether it is technically feasible, whether the high initial cost is worth the benefit of what we might find and bring back to Earth, and whether it should be private companies, national governments, or international collaborations that fund these operations, do the mining, and/or receive the financial gains. These questions have yet to be answered, but fbr the purposes of this problem, lets assume that asteroid mining is feasible at some point in the future and could allow humans to bring valuable minerals back to Earth relatively safely and at a cost that is financially worth the investment. This problem a


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