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2022年美国大学生数学建模竞赛题目E一林业碳汇 优秀论文六篇(含Matlab源码) 问题E:林业碳汇 2 更好的策略:森林记录的碳固换5 多么好的森林管理计划! 29 剪裁还是不切断 可选森林管理计划 54 追求更好的森林管理策略 79 森林需要收获104 让’碳”停 :在碳隔离的角度,生态经济学平衡的森林管理 129 2022 ICM Problem E: Forestry for Carbon Sequestration Background Climate change presents a massive threat to life as we know it. To mitigate the effects of climate change, we need to take drastic action to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Simply reducing greenhouse gas emissions is not enough. We need to make efforts to enhance our stocks of carbon dioxide se uestered out of the atmosphere by the biosphere or by mechanical means. This process is called carbon sequestration. The biosphere se uesters carbon dioxide in plants (especially large plants like trees), soils, and water environments. Thus, forests are integral to any climate change mitigation effort. Forests se uester carbon dioxide in living plants and in the products created from their trees including furniture, lumber, plywood, paper, and other wood products. These forest products se uester carbon dioxide for their lifespan. Some products have a short lifespan, while others have a lifespan that may exceed that of the trees from which they are produced. The carbon se uestered in some forest products combined with the carbon se uestered because of the regrowth of younger forests has the potential to allow fbr more carbon se uestration over time when compared to the carbon se uestration benefits of not cutting forests at all. At the global level, forest management strategies that include appropriate har esting can be beneficial fbr carbon se uestration. However, overharvesting can limit carbon se uestration. Forest managers must find a balance between the value of forest products derived from harvesting and the value of al


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