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一. come from / be from 来自 用法 1.确定句: be 随人称与数绽开.I 用am;you用are; is 连着he,she, it; 单数is; 复数are 否认句: be 动词后加not. am not ; is n’t ; are n’t 一般疑问句: be 动词提早 简单答复: Yes, ---+ be(am, is ,are ); No, ---+ be(am, is ,are) not. 2.确定句: 1. 第一人称(I ,we), 第二人称(you) ,以及其他复数,用原形come 2. 第三人称单数(he,she, it及其他单数),动词运用第三人称单数形式comes 否认句: 1. 动词原形come 前加don’t. 2. 动词三单形式comes 前加do e s n’t , 并把三单comes 变原形come .一般疑问句:1.动词原形come句中,句首加do 2.动词三单comes 句中,句首加does, 并把三单comes 变原形come 简单答复: Yes,---+ do. No, ---+ don’t. Yes, --- +does No, ---+d o e s n’t. 举例:1) Pandas come from China . _________ pandas ________ from China (一般疑问句) 2) I come from China. I __________ ____________ sports. (否认句) 3) John _____________ (come) from America . John ___________ ______________ from America.(否认句) 4) Annie comes from England . _________ Annie __________ from England (一般疑问句) 5) Lions ________ (are) from Africa . Lions _________ from Africa. ( 否认句) 二. welcome 的用法 welcome sb/ s t h 欢送某人某物 welcome to +地点 欢送来到......... __________ Jimmy as our teacher. _________ ______________ Beijing, China. 三. also/ too/ either 也 1. 确定句 句首,句中用also 2. 确定句 句末, 用too. 3. 否认句 句末,用 either. 举例:I love you , ________________________. There are ______________________ many other animals in the zoo . I don’t like meat , ___________________________. shall 情态动词, 能, 可以;后接动词原形, 无人称与数的改变。 ____________ we go and _______ them ( shall / see) 五. animal 名词, 动物 举例:The lion is __________(a/an) animal. It is very dangerous. There are many kinds of _________( animal/ animals) in the zoo. 举例:________________ (a / an) elepant has big ears and a long nose. 六. such as 例如


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