潮汕特产(Chao shan specialties)修订版本.pdfVIP

潮汕特产(Chao shan specialties)修订版本.pdf

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潮汕特产(Chaoshan specialties ) 潮汕特产 (Chaoshan specialties) Chaozhou tea is a kind of fashion in Chaoshan area of tea, which is famous for its unique, fine. The so-called congou, refers to the way of tea is very exquisite, it requires some effort, and it is "time must operate" (fine meaning). The basic characteristics of tea, can be su ed up with a small pot, a small red Oolong Tea. Small tea cup can not only make the tea not slack, but also because often drink tea but not to quench their thirst for pleasure, enjoyment and as an important means to welcome guests. In the local tea since ancient times to be a gentleman, the mood of heart. This point outsiders don't know it is difficult to understand, why not always a little weird drinking cup. Shantou specialty beef balls Chaoshan As the famous beef balls Chaoshan snacks in Shantou has a history of nearly 100 years, beef balls can be divided into two kinds of beef balls, beef balls, beef balls, meat quality is delicate, smooth taste, beef balls in beef ribs added some tender, very slightly chewy. Chaozhou congee casserole Guangdong's "Chaozhou porridge" has always been quite famous, Chaozhou people not only pay attention to eat porridge, but also love to cook more water, it is said that the heat picked up a rice meal to leave rice soup, this soup can be used for after dinner drinks or other purposes, and continued the saved and good nutrition habits. Chaozhou porridge pot cooking time usually in 20 minutes, divided into two categories and rice congee porridge. For a good home is the largest, the simple and quick cooking pot. Sand Rice Rolls One is the Chaozhou rice rolls, as the Chaoshan area features a large street food delicious, the high streets and back lanes in the Chaozhou Shantou area can be described as everywhere, which is among the most representative of the city of Puning is Changfen quicksand quicksand Changfen, as a famous co


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