仁爱版七年级英语下册Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 3课件.ppt

仁爱版七年级英语下册Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 3课件.ppt

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Unit 7 The Birthday Party;学习目标;自学指导一;自学检测一;自学指导二;自学检测二;自学指导三;Listen to 1a and check(√) what happened to Michael at the party.;自学检测三;2. Make a report to the class. You may begin like this: At Kangkang’s birthday party, the children played a game. Michael missed .;要点归纳;2、Did you hurt yourself? 你受伤了吗? hurt 受伤,疼痛。过去式: :cnj*y.co*m】 hurt oneself 伤了某人自己。 补充:teach oneself 自学; by oneself 独立的,独自的 3、Go and wash them at once.马上去洗手。 ⑴and 连接两个动词,表示并列关系,前后两个动词形式要一致。 Eg: Go and open the door.去开门。 ⑵ at once =right now =right away立刻,马上。 Eg. You must close the door at once/right now/right away.你必须马上关上门。;自学指导四;F: What time ____(did/do) you come home last night, Judy? J: Er, at about half past ten, I think. F: Half past ten? Im afraid it ______(is/was) too late. J: I_______(went/go) to Kangkangs birthday party with my friends. F: Oh, _______(do/did) you have a good time? J: Yes. It_______(was/is) a great party, so we all_______ (forget/forgot) the time. F: Im glad you ______(had/have) a great time. But dont be so late next time. J: Im sorry, Dad. I wont do that again. ; Last night, Judy ______ ______(not watch)TV at home. She _____(go) to Kangkangs birthday Party with her friends. It _____(be)a great party and they ______(forget)the time, so she _____(get)home very late. Her father _______(tell)her to come back early next time.;要点归纳; 3. Don’t be so late next time. 下一次不要这么迟了。 这是一个祈使句。 be late:迟的,晚的。 next time:下一次 4. Her father told her to come back early next time。 她的父亲告诉她下次早些回来。 (1)told 是 的过去式。 tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事。 (2)come back 回来。 come back to... 回到某地。 come back home 回家。;1.Whose birthday is coming? A.Marias. B.Marias moms. C.Marias dads. 2.When is Marias moms birthday? A.This Friday. B.Next Monday. C.Next Tuesday. 3.What did Marias dad buy two weeks ago? A.Some flowers. B.A


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