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Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? Section A ( 2d?3c ) 学案 I.补全以下单词并大声读出来 Lfjsh (新鲜的,清新的)2.c_mf_」_bly (舒服地)3.w__se (更差的/地,更糟的/地) 5.pr_tt_(十分,很,相当;漂亮的) 5.pr_tt_(十分,很,相当;漂亮的)6.m_n_(菜单) 8. m_」(早/午/晚餐;一餐所吃的食物) 2.欢迎来到…… 5.坐着最舒服— 8.买最新鲜的食物 4. s_ _v_ce (接待,服务) 7._ct (扮演;表演者)II.英汉互译以下短语 1.在城镇 4.到目前为止 7.更好 3 .你认为……怎么样? 6.在中央大街 9.爱看电影 10. know my way around 11. thanks for telling me 12. have the worst service 13. how far 14. 10 minutes by busIII.词汇填空want to be a r in the future, because I like meeting and talking with people. I dont know which coat to c , because they all look nice on me. .The doctor told us to eat more f vegetables to keep healthy. We have three m every day. But some people hardly ever eat breakfast. Moon Theater has( comfortable) seats in town, so we can sit (comfortable). — Where are our s, Henry? — We should sit in the fifth row. IV任务型阅读(按要求完成任务) Many kids think they are too common(普通的).①他们觉得自己不是最漂亮的也不是域聪明的人。Sometimes kids dont know how special they are. When they see outstanding (优秀的,出色的)athletes(运发动)or cool pop stars, they often think: Am I outstanding? What am I going to be when I grow up? When you grow up you will know what you can do and what you can offer(奉献,提供)to the world. Now you areyoung, you dont see that. But when you get older, you may know that just by being _②,and you can offer something to other people. ③Maybe you arent the best, but that doesnt make you “ oot special”. Think about your friends. Write down some things that you like about them. Think about why you are friends. Ybu will know that in the end, ④ they arent the smartest or the most talented, they are great in their ways. And they feel just the same as you! In fact (实际上)it is great to be the best at something, but its OK if you cant be the best. If you just live your life and try hard, you are still great. And you can make your dream come true. V.1.把文中划线句子①译成英语 .请将文中划线的②、④处填写一个恰当的单词(每空限填一词)② .请将文中划线句子③译成汉语 . How can we become a great man according to (按照, 根据)the writer ? . Wha


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