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WilliamBlake威廉布莱克 及作品英国文学家;Pre-Romanticism ;Auguries of Innocence (brief) To see a World in a Grain of Sand, And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour、 ; 佛曰: 一花一世界, 一草一天堂, 一叶一如来, 一砂一极乐, 一方一净土, 一笑一尘缘, 一念一清静。 这一切都是一种心境。心若无物就能够一花一世界,一草一天堂。参透这些,一花一草便是整个世界,而整个世界也便空如花草。 ;“The Lamb”;William Blake’s “The Lamb”(Ⅰ);Gave thee such a tender voice, Making all the vales rejoice? Little Lamb, who made thee? Dost thou know who made thee?;The lamb(Ⅱ);I a child, and thou a lamb, We are called by His name、 Little Lamb, God bless thee! Little Lamb, God bless thee!;Questions ; “The Tiger” ;The Tyger / 老虎 (I) (郭沫若译);The Tyger / 老虎(II) ;meter;Catalexis: The absence of a syllable in the final foot in a line、 In Blake's poem, an unstressed syllable is absent in the last foot of each line、 Thus, every line has seven syllables, not the conventional eight、 、、、、、1、、、、、、、、、、、2、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、3、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、4 TIger,、、|、、TIger,、、|、、BURN ing、、|、、BRIGHT 、、、、、1、、、、、、、、、、、、、、2、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、3、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、4 IN the、、|、、FOR ests、、|、、OF the、、|、、NIGHT ;summary;From what part of the cosmos could the tiger’s fiery eyes have e, and who would have dared to handle that fire? What sort of physical presence, and what kind of craftsmanship, would have been required to “twist the sinews” of the tiger’s heart? The speaker wonders how, once that horrible heart “began to beat,” its creator would have had the courage to continue the job、 ; paring the creator to a blacksmith, he ponders about the anvil and the furnace that the project would have required and the smith who could have wielded them、 when the job was done, the speaker wonders, how would the creator have felt? “Did he smile his work to see?” Could this possibly be the same being who made the lamb?;Questions for discussion;parison The Lamb and The Tyger;PARISON / JUXTAPOSITION *Both are creation poems *Structure;It’s interesting that the end rhyme scheme for both poems have much similari


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