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GRE-007;树干 我们先看看去掉插入语和同位语后, 这个句子变成了什么样子? Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another. 简化后: Gutman argues that the stability encouraged the transmission from one generation to another. ;如何从简化后的句子拓展呢? 见 007.GRE-007 – page 1;单词: convincingly: convince (V. 说服, 令人信服) - convincing (ADJ. 令人信服的) - convincingly (ADV. 令人信服地) stability: stable (ADJ. 稳定的) – stability (N. 稳定性) transmission: N. 传送, 传播. (见 GRE-001 中的 transmitted) MIS comes from the Latin verb mittere, ‘to send.’ A missile is something sent speeding through the air or water. And when your class is dismissed at the end of the day, youre sent home. mission A task that someone is given to do, especially a military task. A task that someone considers an important duty. 任务 ;Mission Impossible: ;missionary: A person undertaking a mission, and especially a religious missionary. emissary: Someone sent out to represent another; an agent. transmission: The act or process of sending something from one point to another, especially sending electrical signals to a radio, television, computer, etc. (2) The gears by which the power is passed from the engine to the axle in a motor vehicle. Since trans- means “across”, its not hard to see the meaning of transmission. Disease transmission occurs when an infection passes from one living thing to another. TV signal transmission can be interrupted by tree leaves, including moving leaves and branches during a storm. Your cars transmission transmits the engines power to the axle, changing the gears to keep the engine working with maximum efficiency at various speeds.;heritage: N. 遗产 heritor (N. 继承人) folklore: N-UNCOUNT 民俗. folk (N. 民间. ADJ. 民间的) religious: ADJ. 宗教的. expression: N. 表达. ;接下来我们看插入语和同位语这两个部分: 先看插入语: and so was crucial in sustaining …, and the stability was crucial in sustaining the Black heritage… 单词: crucial: ADJ. 重要的. 等同于 ext



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