牛津译林版五年级上册英语 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears story time课件.pptx

牛津译林版五年级上册英语 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears story time课件.pptx

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Goldilocks and the three bears (story time)What can you see…?I can see…There is …有There are …forest a houseThere is a house in the forest.There are some flowers and trees in the forest.Goldilocks is in the forest.GoldilocksGoldilocks金发女孩What a beautiful house!choose根据故事内容,选择一个最佳的标题 The best title is _____ In the forest Goldilocks and the three bears A beautiful houseB. Goldilocks and the three bearsGoldilocks is in the house.She is ______ and ______.hungrythirstyWhat’s on the table? 桌上有什么?There’s some soup on the table.This soup is too cold.This soup is too hot.This soup is just right.dining-roomGoldilocks is ____ now.three bedsThere are __________ in the room.softhardThis bed is too soft.This bed is too hard.This bed is just right.bedroomtiredhardThis … is …softin front ofafraidThere are three bears in front of her!Who are you?Help! Help!Whose house is this?It’s the three bears’.Goldilocks and the three bearsGoldilocks is in the forest. There is a house. What a beautiful house !Goldilocks is in the house. She is hungry and thirsty. There is some soup on the table. This soup is too cold. This soup is too hot. This soup is just right.Goldilocks is tired now. There are three beds in the room. This bed is too hard. This bed is too soft. This bed is just right.Goldilocks is afraid. There are three bears in front of her! Who are you? Help! Help!order531462Read in groups以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。Read together.(齐读)Read in pictures.(分图读)Read in roles(分角色朗读)…Lets act… is in the … She is…There is … on the …… is in the … There is …This soup is too…What a … !五人一组,选出Goldilocks,三只熊、旁白。… is … There are …in … her.… is … now. There are … in the room.This bed is too…Retell(复述) the story… is in the … She is…There is … on the …… is in the … There is …This soup is too…What a … !(小组合作,借助板书复述课文,可以每人讲一幅图,分角色,或者一起说!)… is … There are …in … her.… is … now. There are … in the room.This bed is too…Let’s playRules(规则):大声读句子,如果你认为内容正确,就说 “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” 如果你认为内容错误,就说 “No, no, no!” 并说出正确答案。Let’s



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