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学而美美国 K12 教育 MAP测试真题阅读 RIT值 201– 210 题 目1: Readtheparagraph. Somepeople don’t liketouse computers.They think that it istoohard and they break down too often. Don’t they realize that computers save us time and effort? Surely, theseanti-computerpeopleare confused. What assumption isunderlyingthisparagraph? 1. Everyone shoulduseandappreciatecomputers. 2. Most computersdon’tbreak down. 3. Peoplearebreakingthecomputers. 4. Computerscanhelp educate students. 题 目2: “I am so glad the 1st grade students remembered to clean up their art project before theywenthome!” Whowouldmost likely agreewiththisstatement? 1. amother 2. a student 3. theprincipal 4. ajanitor 题 目3: Readtheparagraph. Cells make up all living things. There are millions of different types of cells in the human body. Scientistsbelieve that further study ofthemake-up of cells can lead to a cure for cancer.Scientistscontinuetheirresearch in laboratorieseveryday. Which sentencebest describesan assumption inthisparagraph? 1. Cellsmakeup alllivingthings. 2. Scientists believe that further study of the make-up of cells can lead to a cure for cancer 3. Therearemillionsofdifferent typesofcellsinthehumanbody. 4. Scientistscontinuetheirresearch inthelaboratorieseveryday. 1 学而美美国 K12 教育 4 题 目 : Readthepassage. A.) And even though I didn’t agree with her then, I knew that she understood how much Ihad sufferedduringtheevening’sdinner. B.)Robertwasa starbasketball. C.) It wasn’t until many years later – long after I had gotten over my crush on Robert – that I was able to fully appreciate her lesson and the true purpose behind our particular menu. D.)For ChristmasEvethatyear,shehadchosen allmy favorite foods. Copyright Info: Not enough information. Fish Cheeks, page 137. (Teacher authors: Phillips,Bla


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