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;Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. — Albert Einstein;;Contents;Warming-up activities ;1. Did you have a pet before? How did you treat your pet?;2. Should animals be treated in the same way as human beings? Should scientific experiments use animals to develop medicines to help and heal human beings? What do you think about the experiments on animals?;1. How did the American treat animals?;1. How did the American treat animals?;2. What is PETA?;;;;;Questions Previewing;;;;;According to the text, why did the author become a children’s doctor? (Para.1);Part I — (Para. 1);For career advancement ;What did physician scientists do? (Para.3);Part II — Paras. 2-3;To Leave medical research standstill ;; What are the terrifying effects of arresting the animal research? (Para.6);What results did animal research help us to achieve ?(Para.7);Part III— Paras. 4-7;How about the present situation of human beings in American today ?(Para.8);What is the author’s attitude ?(Para.9);Part Ⅳ — (Paras.8-9) conclusion of the essay; I am wrongly accused of doing animal research since my top desire is only to keep children healthy with medical advances based on animal research. (Para. 1); Animal rights activists distort my medical research and accuse me of being a physician without moral limits. (Paras. 2-3);Introduction ;Introduction ;;;;Practical Phrases;使天平(向某人或物)倾斜 ;与……有关;渐渐影响,逐渐改变 ;以……的名义;作贡献 ;意识到;明白;知道;与……隔离;孤立 ; Functional Patterns;当原理本身有问题时,就跟正处于研究阶段的复杂的生物系统的情况一样,仅靠计算机模拟的成效甚微。;When sth. is in question, as is the case with……, sth is of little value. ;;危险的是,那些善意的政治家匆忙作出决定,策略性地满足了那小部分大声疾呼的示威者,这只是权宜之计,而这些决定的后果和造成的破坏性影响要很久才会显现。;There is the danger / risk that…, while… ;(involve in/ ecological environment / influence on ) ;因此,真正的问题是我们能否唤起大多数漠不关心的民众来保护动物实验的将来,以反对嗓门很大,但却是被误导的少数群体。;Hence, the real question / problem is whether … but …;(basic news


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