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Equation (4.2-8) can be written in the form * Where R=B/kA is thermal resistance between points 1 and 2. Equation (4.2-9) equates a rate to the ratio of a driving force to a resistance. (4.2-9) thermal resistance:热阻 2. Compound resistance in series Consider a flat wall constructed of a series of layers, as shown in the Fig. * Assume that the layers are in excellent thermal contact, so that no temperature difference exists across the interfaces between the layers. 多层平壁热阻 Then, if ΔT is the total temperature drop across the entire wall * ΔT= ΔTA+ ΔTB+ ΔTC In heat flow through a series of layers the overall thermal resistance equals the sum of the individual resistances R=RA+RB+RC The rate of heat flow through several resistances in series is analogous to the current flowing through several electric resistances in series. * In an electric circuit the potential drop over any one of several resistances are to the total potential drop in the circuit as the individual resistances are to the total resistance. In the same way the potential drops in the thermal circuit, which are the temperature differences, are to the total temperature drop as the individual thermal resistances are to the total thermal resistance. * The rate of heat flow through several resistances in series is or Example 4.2.(p.167) 伴随着国际原油价格的节节攀升和我国石油进口依存度的逐渐加重,耗油大户汽车行业的节能减排压力己经迫在眉睫。由于传统内燃机和纯电动车的种种缺点和不足,集成二者优点的混合动力汽车已经成为汽车未来发展的必由之路。由于传统Otto循环发动机是针对传统燃油汽车设计的,它已经不能很好的适应和满足混合动力汽车对于燃油经济性能的苛刻要求,而节能高效的Atkinson循环发动机因其本身固有的特点和优势已经成为了越来越多得混合动力汽车的新宠。本文通过采用模拟和试验相结合的方法,重点研究了Atkinson循环发动机的燃 油经济性能。 简单可压缩系统是指与外界只有热量及准静态容积变化功(膨胀功或压缩功)交换的可压缩系统。 * thermometer * 38.0℃ Pressure(压力) Pressure: force per unit area. Unit: 1Pa (Pascal) = N/m2 1bar = 105Pa=0.1MPa=100KPa 1atm =101325 Pa=1.01325 bar=0.101325MPa 1kgf/cm2=9.807N/cm2=0.9807bar=0.9679 atm 1atm=760mmHg=10.3mH2O atm: standard atmosphere pressure(标准大气压): produced by a column of mercury 760mm in height at 0 ℃ (ρ=13595kg/m3) under standard gravitational acceleratio


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