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The first geothermal power plants in the U.S. were built in 1962 at The Geysers dry steam field, in northern California. It is still the largest producing geothermal field in the world. 20 plants are still operating at The Geysers. Wastewater from nearby cities is injected into the field, providing environmentally safe disposal and increased steam to power plants. Binary technology allows the use of lower temperature reservoirs, thus increasing the number of reservoirs that can be used. This binary plant is at Soda Lake, Nevada. This power plant provides about 25% of the electricity used on the Big Island of Hawaii. It is a hybrid binary and flash plant. This binary power plant, at Wendell-Amadee, California, runs by itself. If it detects a problem, it automatically radios the operator to come to the site. Flash technology was invented in New Zealand. Flash steam plants are the most common, since most reservoirs are hot water reservoirs. This flash steam plant is in East Mesa, California. This flash plant is in Japan. In flash plants, both the unused geothermal water and condensed steam are injected back into the periphery of the reservoir to sustain the life of the reservoir. This plant operates in the middle of crops in the Imperial Valley, California. High mineral contents of some southern California geothermal reservoirs provide salable byproducts like silica and zinc. This flash plant is in Dixie Valley, Nevada. Nevada is rich in geothermal resources, with more hot springs for its size than any other state. 地热发电的好处 ①建造电站的投资少,通常低于水电站; ②发电成本比火电、核电及水电都低; ③发电设备的利用时间较长;(90%) ④地热能比较干净,不会污染环境; ⑤发电用过的蒸汽和热水,还可以再加以利用,如取暖、洗浴、医疗、化工生产等。 地热能工厂一天工作24个小时,90%是正常运行时间,既不需要燃料也不会造成污染。煤和原子能工厂需要更多的维护时间,一般只有75%和65%的正常运行时间。风能和太阳能就更糟糕了,平均只能产生30%和24%的额定输出能量。 本篇文章来源于中国新能源信息网|Newenergy.NengYuan.Net 原文链接:/2009/0511/2643.html 地热发电排名 截至2010年1月,利用地热发电最多的是美国,装机总容量为315万千瓦 。 菲律宾是世界第二大地热能源开发大国。2008年菲律宾地热发电设备容量是200万千瓦。 2008年,墨西哥地热发电设备容量是95万千瓦 ,在世界上处于先进地位。 日本约有100座活火山,地热资源储量排在印尼、美国之后居世界第三位,换算



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