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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 住在富人区的她 2022年自考专业(电子商务)-电子商务英语考试全真测试卷(带答案) 一.综合能力测验(共50题) 1.填空题 证实,确认 v. c_______________ 正确答案: confirm 2.问答题 Issue the sales information about the products. 正确答案: 发布产品的销售信息。 3.问答题 Explain to the complainant why you make such a decision. 正确答案: 跟投诉者解释你为什么作出这样的决定。 4.问答题 The prices need to be reasonable. 正确答案: 价格必须合理。 5.单选题 His wife, to whom he __________ for thirty years, was childless.? A.has married B.has been married C.had married D.had been married 正确答案:D 6.问答题 翻译:node 正确答案: 节点 7.单选题 The time has come for the company to __________ after years of rapid expansion. A.consist B.consider C.consolidate D.combine 正确答案:C 8.问答题 Relaxation therapy ( = treatment). If you read the sentence out loud, your blood pressure will go up. If you talk to another person, it will go still higher. If the talk is with your boss, your pressure will go even higher. If you speak to someone of the opposite sex, your pressure may show less change if you ’ re married than if you ’ re single. Dozens of times each day, your blood pressure changes with what you ’ re feeling and doing. These “ ups and downs” take place in everyone, but they are more severe in people with high blood pressure. That discovery is the basis for the newest therapy: controlling blood pressure by learning skills to control everyday stress. Many patients control their blood pressure with the relaxation response. This takes four simple things: a quiet environment, a comfortable position (sitting or lying down), the repeating of a word, prayer or phrase each time you breathe and having none of other thoughts. Something remarkable happens when you do this, according to research in Boston. Relaxation of the mind and body has the effect that some blood-p ressure pills would have. What ’ s more, the blood pressure stays



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