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渤海海峡跨海通道地区海洋地质调查研究进展 摘要:通过高分辨率浅地层剖面、小道距高分辨率多道地震、侧扫声呐、表层地质取样、地质钻探等调查手段,查明渤海海峡跨 海通道区海底地形地貌、底质类型及分布、地层结构 、活动断裂、地震活动性、地应力等基础地质特征 ,归纳总结海底浅表层地 质灾害、第四纪地层格架与古环境演化、阐述渤海海峡跨海通道区地壳稳定性评价的主要进展成果 。渤海海峡活动断裂较为 发育,新构造运动活跃,地壳稳定性评价属于不稳定区域 ,东侧北黄海盆地区域地壳稳定性相对较好,西部渤海盆地区域和海 峡区南部区域稳定性较差 。渤海海峡最新调查成果为跨海通道工程建设提供基础资料和决策依据 ,为国家重大涉海工程提 供防灾减灾服务,为渤海地区古气候与环境演变提供新的认识。 关键词:渤海海峡;跨海通道;地层结构 ;活动断裂;地壳稳定性 Abstract: The high —resolution profile survey o shallow strata, high —resolution multi-channel seismic survey o small track distance, side scan sonar, surface geological sampling, drilling and other survey mean resulted in revealing o the basic geological features, including seabed topography and landform, type and distribution o the seabed, stratigraphic structure, active faults, seismicity and stress in the trans­ sea passage area o the Bohai Strait, summary o the geological hazards, the Quaternary stratigraphic framework and the evolution o palaeo —environment, and description o the main achievements o crustal stability evaluation in this area.The Bohai Strait is characterized by well—developed active faults, active neotectonic movement and unstable crust.The crust stability in the eastern part o the northern Yellow Sea Basin is relatively good, while that in the western part o the Bohai Basin and the southern part o the strait area is relatively poor.The latest survey results in the Bohai Strait can provide basic data and de ci sion —making basis for the construction o cross — sea passage projects, serve for disaster prevention and mitigation o major national sea —related engineering, and promote the understanding o the evolution o paleoclimate and environment in the Bohai Sea area. Key words: Bohai Strait; trans — straitspassage; stratigraphic structure; active faults; crustal stability 渤海海峡位于山东半岛和辽东半岛之间,北起辽 作,出版了 《渤海地质》⑴ 。在大地构造上,渤海海 东半岛老铁山角,南至胶东半岛蓬莱登州角,南、北最 峡位于华北块体胶辽隆褶带上,胶辽隆褶带西以郯 短距离仅约106 km ,平均水深约25 m ,最大水深超过



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