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2020智慧树知到大学英语(一)答案 第一章单元测试 1、多选题: What are the effective methods to open a speech ? 选项: A:A Story or an Anecdote B:An Appropriate Quotation C:Question 答案:【A Story or an Anecdote;An Appropriate Quotation;Question 】 2、多选题: A supporting detail is a fact,description,example,quotation, anecdote, or other item of information used to 选项: A:back up a claim B:illustrate a point C:explain an idea D:support a topic sentence 答案:【back up a claim;illustrate a point;explain an idea;support a topic sentence 】 3、多选题: What are the effective methods to close a speech ? 选项: A:Direct Call to Action B:Powerful Quotations C:Ask a Question D:Make It Personal 答案: 【Direct Call to Action;Powerful Quotations;Ask a Question;Make It Personal 】 4、判断题: Previewing is one of the three basic speed reading techniques and allows to extract essential information from reading material before digging into details. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【对】 5、判断题: A tntains the main idea upon which a paragraph is developed. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【对】 第二章单元测试 1、多选题: What are the writing essentials of the Problem-solution Pattern mentioned in the video? 选项: A:The solution to the problems do not equals to the causes of the problems. B:The solutions should echo the problems. C:Use some conjunctions. 答案: 【The solution to the problems do not equals to the causes of the problems.;The solutions should echo the problems.;Use some conjunctions. 】 2、判断题: Reading in thought groups can help you break the narrow reading. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【对】 3、单选题: Driving is really Greek for me,because I totally have no idea about the car. What does the word Greek mean in the sentence? 选项: A:一窍不通 B:希腊 C: 非常精通 D:略懂皮毛 答案: 【一窍不通】 4、 单选题: Please spell the name of诸葛亮in English,according to the rule of spelling names. 选项: A:Zhuge Liang B:Zhu Ge Liang C:Zhuge liang D:zhuge liang 答案: 【Z



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