基于主题伏笔的读后续写公开课课件-2023届高三英语一轮复习 .pptx

基于主题伏笔的读后续写公开课课件-2023届高三英语一轮复习 .pptx

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高三一轮复习之读后续写讲评 ;;;内 容 构 思;;“读”后续“写”---“读”为“写”之先 读出原故事的六要素 (抓住原故事的主题和重点);(1)边读边想象场景,在大脑屮勾勒出画面,为下一步的情景创设做好铺垫。( 自我代入, 做个”戏精”) (2)边读边用中文把主要情节写下来。特别注意明线(情节发展)和暗线(情绪变化), 总结人物性格。 (3)主要情节即“记叙文六要素”:人物、时间、地点、起因 、经过、结果(谁在什么时间、什么地方,因为什么、做了什么、最终怎样。) ;01原文一致原则;⑤ I arrived at the studio on the appointed day. When Mr. Slaight took me around, he looked at me and said, “What do you want?”He sounded furious(狂怒的) but curious. “All I want is a chance to audition (试镜). I just want you to know my face. Thats all I’m asking.” ⑥ I didn’t know whether Id ever hear from him again, but two weeks later, his secretary called, “Mr.Slight wants to know if you’d like to come and audition for a new school life show.” I immediately answered, “Sure!” Paragraph 1:When I arrived at the station(电视台), I went direct into the audition and began my short performance. Paragraph 2:Finally came the day of my first public appearance on live TV with my parents at home watching.;① I had a dream from primary school: to work in television. My parents owned a little grocery store, so we were definitely not fancy people(我们绝对不是上流社会的人). Thankfully, my dad had raised me to have a lot of confidence. He often said, You can do anything you want to do. My dad was particularly supportive. He was my steady rock - always there for me. ② With his help and encouragement, I was admitted to the radio and television arts program at Ryerson in Toronto. I really loved the program and worked hard and I was named the most outstanding graduate. I felt like I was already living my dream. I began to think that maybe I could apply for an internship (实习资格) in CBC or CTV. ;③ Luckily, Global Television had just started broadcasting in Canada that year. I thought to myself: I’m new and they’re new, so if Im going to get to know one person at Global, it might as well be the president. I was scared, but I knew deep down inside that this was what I wanted. When I called my dad and told him my plan, he said, “Good, Faye. Thats exactly what you shou


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