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哈学网HIGH 23010 者生须如 M 炙 语 试 卷 1. 本试卷漏分为1100分,者试时间为10)分钟。 2. 答题前,考生先将白己的“姓名”,“考号。“者场、“座位号”在答题卡上塌马清楚, 辩条形马准确枯贴在杂形码区成内。 3. 请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,翅出茶题区城书写的茶震无 效;在草临纸.试题纸上答题无效。 4. 选择题必频使用21铅笔填涂;非远择题必须使同0.5老米卫色字迹的签李笔书骂, 字体工整、笔迹清楚。 5. 保持卡面整洁,不要折叠、不要弄脏、不要弄触,不准使用涂改液、修正带、到低刀。 第 1 卷 一、单项选择(本是共20分,每小围!分】 选择最佳答案。 ( )1.In the following wonds,which underlined(下划线的》 letlen have a difernnt numl (rwm thr olhen? A. birh B.eiher C.canh r )2.Which puir of the worde with the underlined(下划饯的)leticn has the une mnund? A.hand amp B. drive thin C. loud dnuble ( )3 .Which of the folloning words docan have te sane sur(重音`xs le athcx? A. Behind. D. Moderm. C.Pln ( )4.— What do you wand to dn this weekend? — I wanl lo car for aninals in animal cenlrt. A.an B.a C./ ( )5 . 一 have you been in Beijing? — Far two wceks.And I wenl ta the Greal Wall A.How soon U. Iow long C. How nhen ( )6.- There wll le lomonvw.We cant cat out. — Well,we have to alay al home. A. riny B. rmin C.nining ( 7.— Inced nchnol thing. 一Me,too .Leis gp shopping . A.nu B. mme C.AM ( )8.— Chine hield the Olympicn in 200H anl 2022 sicerwlully. - Wr lke in our gfrat cmunlry. A.advice 8 price C. pnde 英语试卷第】页(共10页) 扫描全能王创建 )9.— Man ol us awr penta i moch. — Yn.Wed betler leam lo look afier ounehes. A. depend un B. put om C. m ( )10.Hartin


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