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A comprehensive step-by-step guide Programming in Scala Fifth Edition Updated for Scala 3.0 Martin Odersky Lex Spoon Bill Venners g artima n i J Frank Sommers g n a Y r o f d e r a p e r Cover · Overview · Contents · Suggest · Glossary · Index P Praise for the earlier editions of Programming in Scala Programming in Scala is probably one of the best programming books I’ve ever read. I like the writing style, the brevity, and the thorough explana- tions. The book seems to answer every question as it enters my mind—it’s always one step ahead of me. The authors don’t just give you some code and take things for granted. They give you the meat so you really understand what’s going on. I really like that. - Ken Egervari, Chief Software Architect Programming in Scala is clearly written, thorough, and easy to follow. It has great examples and useful tips throughout. It has enabled our organi- zation to ramp up on the Scala language quickly and efficiently. This book is great for any programmer who is trying to wrap their head around the flexibility and elegance of the Scala lang


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