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大学英语二模拟题【三套试题汇总】分析解析 __________________________________________________ 英语二模拟题 I. Vocabulary and Structure There are 30 questions in this part. For each question there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One that best answers the question. 【C】1. True love cannot be , and it is priceless. A. brought B. caught C. bought D. broad 【D】2. Finally the crowd broke (up) _ ____ several groups. A. within B. in C. at D. into 【A】3. Being afraid of the dark, she always slept the light on. A. with B. by C. beside D. of 【C】4. John is not whether Eddie likes the picture of him and his family. A. ensure B. assure C. sure D. surely 【A】5. When he got the train, he didn’t know where he was. A. on B. up C. off D. at 【A】6. She went into the street and a taxi home. A. took B. taking C. taken D. had taken 【C】7. Why should we find some to the problems brought by TV? A. means B. way C. solution D. method 【B】8. This region at an average of 4,000 meters above sea level. A. lays B. lies C. locates D. places 【C】9. I was ___ _ _ to find his article on such an ___ _ _ topic so ___ __ . A. surprised, excited, bored B. surprising, exciting, boring C. surprised, exciting, boring D. surprising, excited, bored 【B】10. He ___ __ his book on the desk last night. A. lie B. laid C. lay D. lain 【B】11. Although they are brothers, they are entirely __ __ each other . A. get along well with B. different from C. satisfied with D. ashamed of 【C】12. Hardly __ __ the classroom when the class began. A. he had entered B. he entered C. had he entered D. he was entered 【D】13. Come here and give me a ___ ___. A. help B. hands C. support D. hand 【B】14. This post card is sent by _ ___. A. a friend of father B. a friend of my fathers C. my father friend D. my father friends 【A】15. It’s foolish to your time. A. waste B. leave over C. spend D. damage 【C】16. With a school record like a young woman, why didn’t you try for a university scholarship? A. I’m shocked B. I’m amazed C. I’m puzzled D. I feel pity 【B】17. Man


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