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会计学1祝辞与邀请函 祝辞的结构: 祝辞格式与书信大致相同。祝辞更简单些,只需表明称呼,无需写出日期。祝辞开始一般都要以Ladies and gentlemen称呼听众,结束时候一般要以Thank you 致谢。下面是一些各种致辞的开头举例: A.欢迎辞: It is my special pleasure to welcome our new member, Mr Brown, who has come here from the United States.非常荣幸欢迎我们的新成员,布朗先生,来自美国的布朗先生! 第1页/共16页 B.开幕辞: Welcome everybody. Merry Christmas to you all! Thank you for coming tonight to celebrate this happy and joyous occasion. (在场的各位,大家好!祝大家圣诞快乐!感谢您今晚来庆祝这个欢乐与祥和的时刻!) Happy New Year, everybody!第2页/共16页 祝辞常用句子:1. On the occasion of … , …2. Please accept my sincere wishes! 3. Please allow me to extend to you and your family my warmest greetings!4. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 5. Merry Christmas! Happy new year!第3页/共16页 实例操作:Directions: Write a speech on the opening of a conference of no less than 120 words. In your speech, you should: 1) 进行自我介绍, 2) 详细介绍大会内容, 3) 结束语。 第4页/共16页 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Beijing! To begin with, I would like to make a brief introduction to myself. I am the president of Motorola (China) Electronics Ltd. The following is my introduction to the conference. First, it is my great honor to be here with all of you and declare open the Conference of International Trade Cooperation. Second, on behalf of our company, I would like to express my heartfelt welcome to all the guests and delegates. Last, I believe our cooperative efforts are sure to be productive. 第5页/共16页 I wish all of you enjoy yourselves during this conference and hope the above information will help you. If you have any question for me, please feel free to ask at any time. Thank you for your attention.第6页/共16页 邀请函  邀请函是邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信。包含三个方面:  1. 邀请对方参加活动的内容、时间和地点;  2. 与该活动有关的注意事项;  3. 期待对方接受邀请,并可表示感谢。  第7页/共16页 邀请函常用句子1. I am planning a party for… 2. No present just your presence! 3. Please let me know it if you are able to come, won’t you ? 4. Looking forward to your appearance!5. I would love you to come !6. Would you like to


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