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会计学第1页/共8页Direct and Indirect SpeechDirect speech:直接引述别人的原话Indirect speech:用自己的话转述别人的话叫间接引语,它构成宾语从句。根据转述的内容,分为:间接陈述句、间接疑问句和间接祈使句I. 间接陈述句(Indirect Statements) 1. He said, I am a teacher. 2. He said that he was a teacher.(a) 根据意思,改变叙述中的动词时态 第2页/共8页直接叙述 间接叙述一般现在时态 一般过去时态现在进行时态 过去进行时态现在完成时态 过去完成时态现在完成进行时态 过去完成进行时态一般过去时态 过去完成时态一般将来时态 过去将来时态第3页/共8页(b) 根据意思,改变叙述中的人称代名词、指示代名词或所有格形容词。(c) 根据意思,改变叙述的时间副词或地点副词。常见的有:now→ then;today→ that day; this morninng→ that morning;tomorrow→ the next day;yesterday → the day before; next week→ the following weekago→ before;here- there第4页/共8页Direct and Indirect SpeechII. 间接疑问句(Indirect Questions) 一般疑问句和选择疑问句变为间接引语时要用从属连词 whether 或 if 来引导,主句中的谓语动词said要改为asked。1. 一般疑问句的间接引语,由whether 或 if 引导:He said, Is the boy your brother / Will you go with me? He asked (me)whether / if the boy was my brother / I would go with him. 第5页/共8页Direct and Indirect Speech2. 选择疑问句间接引语,由whether 引导: Do you study English or Japanese? the girl asked Tom. The girl asked Tom whether he studied English or Japanese. 3.特殊疑问句的间接引语,由疑问词引导。He asked, What do you mean by that / Why did he leave? He asked what I / he / she meant by that / why he left.第6页/共8页Direct and Indirect SpeechIII. 间接祈使句(Indirect Imperatives/Commands) 间接祈使句的动词变为带to的不定式;动词通常为 ask, tell, order,或command, request, require, beg, entreat, urge 等,无时态变化。例如:Please shut the door, I said to him. I asked him to shut the door. She said to him,Come at five oclock.She told him to come at five oclock.Direct and Indirect Speech第7页/共8页特殊情况:动词的时态不能改变或者可以不变的情况。直接引语引述的是自然现象、客观历史事实、名言警句,习惯性动作或状态,时态一般不变。Example:The teacher said, The Earth moves round the Sun. The teacher said that the Earth moves round the Sun.Yesterday John said ,The boy is six. Yesterday John said that the boy is six.


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