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PEP 人教版三年级下册英语第四单元测试题 Unit4 Where is my car? (40 分钟 100 分) 一、读单词,画线部分读音相同的打“√”,读音不同的则打“×”。(10 分) 1、apple Canada( ) 2、ball dad ( ) 3、he she ( ) 4、car cap ( ) 5、desk seven ( ) 6、long so ( ) 7、big thin ( ) 8、student pupil( ) 9、sister brother( ) 10、on mother ( ) 二、读一读,选出按字母表顺序排列的字母组合。(6 分) ( ) 1. A. cdbef B. abcde C. abced ( ) 2. A. noqpr B. onprq C. nopqr ( ) 3. A. iklnm B. ikljm C. ijklm ( ) 4. A. dfegh B. defgh C. degfh ( ) 5. A. uvwxy B. uvwyz C. vuwxy ( ) 6. A. stuwv B. stuvw C. stuwv 三、看图,将单词和相应的图片连线。(14 分) chair cap ball desk car boat map 1、 1、 2、 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) The The car is on the box. Where is my pencil? –It’s under your book. -Mom, where is my ball? -Look, Its under the chair. 五、 根据A栏中的问句,在B栏中选出正确答语。(5 分) A B ( ) 1. Where is my ruler? A. Im from America. ( ) 2. Is your pencil box on the desk? B. Hes Mr. Jones. ( ) 3. Where is my cap? C. It’s in your pencil box.. ( ) 4. Where are you from? D. Oh, yes! ( ) 5. Whos that man? E. It’s in the toy box 六、读句子,选择适当的词填空,把序号填在题前括号内。(5 分) A. How B. What C. Where D. Can E. Who ( ) 1. about you? ( ) 2. are you from? ( ) 3. is that woman? ( ) 4. are you? ( ) 5. I have some ice cream? 七、根据图示,从方框中选出对应的单词填入括号内。(6 分) 八、写出以下单词的所缺的字母,每小题 1 分。(20 分) ish  oy  ilk  uck  gg  l phant og  ag  ather  iger  range bo th n f t n n ri e ul r w man p pil se en 九、将下列词翻译成汉语。(20 分) 1、three 2、five 3、six 4、eight 5、ten 6、 pear 7、pencil 8、crayon 9、eraser 10、book 11、pen 12、school 13、water 17、USA 14、cat 15、panda 16、this 18、UK 19、friend 20、your 21、nose 25、head 22、foot 26、body 23、leg 27、face 24、hand 28、arm 29、mouth 30、ear  31、eye 32、cake 33、bread 34、red 35、black 36、brown 3、This is my mother. She is a teacher. 3、 This is my mother. She is a teacher. 十、看图,选择恰当的句子的序号写在相应的横线上。(5 分) A. Where is my pencil? B. No problem. C. Here you are. E. Excuse me. F. Look, it’s here. 2、She is 2、 She is a student.


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