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摘要 果汁废水主要来自冲洗水果、粉碎、榨汁等工序,罐装工段的洗瓶、灭菌、 破瓶损耗和地面冲洗等环节。废水中含有较高浓度的糖类、果胶、果渣及水溶物 和纤维素、果酸、单宁、矿物盐等。果汁废水中含有的搪类主要为果糖、葡萄糖、 蔗糖,三者所占的比例为2: 1: 1。 废水中含有大量的有机酸,不同的生产工艺阶段,所产生的废水具有不同的 特点,即使在同一阶段,废水水质也因产品不同而差异较大。本文介绍了有关IC+ 接触氧化法的处理流程和设计的计算、调节池、IC池、接触氧化池、污泥浓缩 池等进行了精细的设计和计算。并对主要构筑物IC池、接触氧化池做了详细的 说明。采用此工艺,不但使处理流程简洁,也节省了运行费用,在降低废水浓度 的同时,还可以回收在处理过程中所产沼气作为能源的利用。以便我为进一步探 讨效益资源型处理技术提供借鉴。 本设计的设计水质如下:COD: 5000mg/L, BOD5: 2500mg/L, SS: 500mg/L, PH: 7?8。处理后的水质为 COD : lOOmg/L, BOD5: 20mg/L, SS: 70mg/L, PH: 6?9,达到GB8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》中的一级标准。 关键词:果汁废水,IC反应器,接触氧化池,工程设计 ABSTRACT Juice wastewater comes from the processes of washing, smashing, squeezing the fruits and washing bottles, sterilization, bottle breaking loss, cleaning the ground in the section of filling up and so on. Wastewater contains high concentration of sugars, pectin, marc, water-soluble material and cellulose, acid, tannin, mineral salts, etc. The main carbohydrate in juice wastewater is fructose, glucose, sucrose, the proportion of the three is 2:1:1 There are lots of organic acids in wastewater and the water has their characteristics in different section of producing. Even if in the same section, water quality would have significant differences because of different products. This article introduces the course and design planning of using IC (internal circulation) reactor, collaborating with biological contact oxidation process. And it gives a detailed description of the main structures, the ICpool and biological contact oxidation process pool. Using this method to process organic wastewater with a high concentration, the critical is to bring up anaerobic granular sludge with good settlement perfbnnance. Adopting this method, not only can we make the course simpler, but also save costs, while reducing the concentration ,we can recycle the gas to be emerge in the course .so it can offer references fbr me to make further discussion on the effectiveness of resource-based processing technology. The quality parameters of design water are a


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