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摘要 本次毕业设计完成了。1750X 12000回转窑的设计,此回转窑用于生 产铁氧体磁性材料。 本次设计综合了现代磁性材料生产工艺的国内外发展现状,分析了 其发展趋势;回转窑的结构设计完成了包括筒体、滚圈、齿轮和齿圈、 托轮和挡轮、传动装置等的设计计算工作;对筒体、齿轮、托轮轴等主 要零部件进行了受力分析与强度计算,还应用了 SolidWorks有限元分析 方法对回转窑上的托轮底座进行了有限元分析,分析了其应力和变形情 况,用直观的报告形式说明了其满足校核的结果。 而且本次设计还运用了 AutoCAD及CAXA工程软件绘制了回转窑 的总图、筒体装配图、托挡轮装配图、传动装置装配图和大齿轮零件图 等图纸。 关键词:回转窑、磁性材料、SolidWorks、有限元分析 ABSTRACT This graduate design completed the design of。1750 X 12000 rotary kiln, the rotary kiln is used to the production of iron oxygen magnetic material. This design synthesized the modern magnetism material to produce the crafts domestic and international development present condition, and analyze the trend of its development, the design complete the design* s calculation of the tube , roll the turn, wheel gear and rim, tugboat and block wheel, spread to move to the device etc. and proceeded to suffer the dint analysis and the strength calculation to main zero parts of the tube , wheel gear, the axle of tugboat etc. and also applied the SolidWorks to the bottom of the tugboat of the rotary kiln to proceeds the analysis of finite element analysis and analysis stress and transmogrification, in a direct report style to explain the calibration result. The design also make use of the AutoCAD and CAXA the engineering software to draw the total diagram of rotary, the tube assemble the diagram, tugboat and block wheel assemble the diagram, spread to move to the device assemble the diagram and the big wheel gear parts diagram etc. diagram paper. Keywords: rotary the kiln, magnetic material, SolidWorks, finite element analysis 目录 中文摘要 英文摘要 总论部分 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \o Current Document 1现代磁性材料生产工艺的国内外发展现状及其发展趋势 1 1.1磁性材料的分类 1 \o Current Document 1.2磁性材料的现状 1 1.3铁氧体磁性材料 1 \o Current Document 1.4磁性材料的发展趋势 2 \o Current Document 2回转窑生产磁性材料的概述 4 3常用各种类型回转窑设备的介绍,优缺点对比 5 3.1回转窑的介绍 5 \o Current Document 3.2各种回转窑的对比 5 专题部分 \o Current Document 现代磁性材料生产对回转窑设备的要求 6 设计方案的比较与方案的确定、参数的确定 7 5.1国内外各种设计方案的比较 7 \o Current Document 5.2自己提出的方案 8 \o Cu


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