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译译林林⽜⽜津津版版⾼⾼中中英英语语 ((必必修修三三)) ((全全册册知知识识点点语语法法考考点点梳梳 理理、、重重点点题题型型分分类类巩巩固固 习习)) ((家家教教、、补补习习、、复复习习⽤⽤)) 译林⽜津版⾼中英语 (必修三) 重难点突破 全册知识点梳理及重点题型举⼀反三巩固 习 Unit 1 The world of our sense语⾔点 (⼀) ⽬标认知 重点词汇 raise,sign,confuse,fare,observe,glance,narrow ,approach,darkness,hesitate,grasp stare,anxious,aid ,relief,sense,cover,wonder,副词this/that, beat, still, chance 重点短语 in/w ithin sight,w ish for,reach out,watch out for,so far, go hungry ,get across 重点句型 find sb./sth. + 宾语补⾜语 by the time 知识讲解 重点词汇 raise 【原句回放】 lind people can read by touching letters in raised dots called raille. (P1) 盲⼈通过触摸突起的字母的⽅式阅读被称为‘ raille’。 【点拨】raise vt. (1)举起,抬起,扬起,升起 She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence. 她把⼿指放在嘴边⽰意要安静。 [辨析]raise,lift,rise raise为及物动词,指将某⼈、某物或声⾳“提升,抬⾼”到更⾼的位置。 He raised his head .他抬起头来。 lift为及物动词,指将物体从较低处“举起”到较⾼处。 Lift me up,mummy .I can’t see. 妈妈,把我抱起来,我看不见。 rise为不及物动词,指⽇、⽉、⽓体、温度、⽔位、⽣活⽔平等“升起,提⾼”。 The river is rising after the rain. 下⾬之后河⽔上涨了。 (2)提⾼,提升 Please raise your voice a little.I cannot hear you. 请⼤点声,我听不清你说的话。 (3)提出 I find it difficult to j udge some of the points you raise. 我发现你提出的⼀些问题让⼈很难判别。 (4)招募,筹集 We’re trying to raise funds for the Red Cross. 我们正在努⼒为红⼗字会筹钱。 (5)养⼤,培养,饲养,种植 We raised five thousand chrysanthemums last year.我们去年种了五千株菊花。 (6)引起 That discussion raised my interest. 那⼀讨论引起了我的兴趣。 sign 【原句回放】People w ith hearing problems can understand each other using sign language. (P1)听觉有问题的⼈听过⾸ 饰语⾔可以彼此间互相理解。 【点拨】sign n.&v. (1)n.迹象,痕迹,征兆 The tests can detect early signs of disease. 这些检查可以发现疾病的早期征兆。 The police looked all around the house,but there was no sign of a struggle. 警察搜查了整幢房⼦,但没有发现打⽃的迹象。 (2)n.⼿势,姿势,信号 Nobody moves until I give the sign. 在我发出信号之前,谁也不许动。 ruce made a sign that he was ready to leave. 布鲁斯做了⼀个⼿势,表⽰他准备⾛了。 (3)v.签(名),署(名) You forgot to sign the check!你忘了在⽀票上签字! (4)v.做⼿势 She signed for US to go inside.她打⼿势让我们进去。 He was desperately signing to me not to mention anything ab


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