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海贼王英语汉语展示;Wealth, fame, power, that everything in the world man one piece, D Roger, before the execution of death said a word, let people all over the world flocked to the sea. I want the treasure? If you want, then to the sea to find it, all I put there. The world, began to greet the era of big pirates coming. [6] as the era of big pirates, in order to find the legendary one piece left by Rogers piece ONE PIECE, many pirates unfurling banners, fighting each other. A way to fly the youth to and for which arm to save his shanks agreement and sea, constantly on the go looking for partners, began to become one piece for the target of the great adventure;第3页/共26页; 路飞在东海的一个风车村长大,与偶然停泊在这里的红发海贼团船长香克斯及其船员建立了深厚的友谊,一心想成为像他们那样的海贼。后误食了香克斯夺来的橡胶果实而变成了旱鸭子,不小心落水后,幸得香克斯相救,但红发却因此失去了左臂。香克斯离开村子再次出海前,把自己的草帽戴在了路飞头上,并希望有朝一日能再次相见。将来你一定要还给我,当你成为出色海贼的时候!从此他的目标是--海贼王!那顶草帽也成了路飞最珍爱的宝物。 Lu Fei grew up in a Zaanse Schans of the East China Sea, established a profound friendship with red Pirate Group Captain shanks accidental parked here and its crew, wanted to be like them one piece. After eating the shanks took into a rubber fruit, not deep water, fortunately shanks to rescue, but red is therefore lost his left arm. Shanks left the village went to sea again, put his hat on the road to fly on the head, and hope that some day in the future will meet again. You must return it to me in the future, when you become excellent pirate! From his goal is - one piece! The straw hat has become the way most cherished treasures fly.;第5页/共26页;索隆小时候去道场踢馆,输给了道场师傅的女儿古伊娜,古伊娜成为了他的剑术目标。两人约定:我们中一定要有人成为天下第一剑客。然而古伊娜因为不小心从楼梯上摔下来而死去,让索隆感到了生命的脆弱,并且发誓要顽强的活下去,并为了实现两人的约定,于是带着古伊娜的剑,从此踏上成为天下第一剑豪之路,(现在鹰眼门下学习剑术 Sauron was to the dojo, lost to the dojo masters daughter Guina, the ancient ina became his fencing goals. The two agreed: we must have become the best in all the land of swordsman. However, Guina accidentally fell down the stairs and died, let Sauron feel that life is fragile, and vowed to tenaciously survive, and in orde


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