
API RP 583-2021 Corrosion Under Insulation and Fireproofing 绝缘腐蚀与防火.pdf

API RP 583-2021 Corrosion Under Insulation and Fireproofing 绝缘腐蚀与防火.pdf

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c。rrosi。n Under Insulation and Fireproofing API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 583 SECOND EDITION MARCH 2021 American Petroleum Institute I.Pl. lJe•lυIS ALBERTO lOPEZ N。tf0 Re且扭创川7尼。21 Spec ial N。tes API publ ications necessarily add「ess p「oblems of a general natu re. With respect to particu lar circumsta nces , local, state , and federal laws and reg ulations should be reviewed . The use of API publ ications is vo lu ntary. I n some cases , third parties or authorities having jurisd iction may choose to incorporate API standards by reference and may mandate compl iance. Neither API nor any of AP ls employees , su bcontractors, consu ltants , comm ittees, or other assig nees make any wa 「ra nty or rep「esentation, eithe「 express or impl ied , with respect to the accu 「acy, completeness , or usefu lness of the inform ation contai ned herein, or ass ume any liabil ity or res pons ibil ity for any use, or the resu lts of such use, of any info「mati on or process disclosed in this publ ication. Neither API nor any of AP I’s employees, subcontractors, consu ltants , or other assig nees represent that use of this publ ication would not infri nge upon privately owned rig hts . Users of this recom mended practice should not rely exclusively on the information contai ned in this docu ment. Sound business, scientific, engi nee「ing, and safety judg ment should be used in employing the information conta ined herein . API is not undertaking to meet the duties of employers, manufactu rers , or suppl iers to warn and properly train and equip their employees , and others


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