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传统文化符号在博物馆中的应用 ——以苏州博物馆为例 摘 将中国传统文化符号合理应用于博物馆设计中 , 吸取传统文化符号的精髓 , 并让其体现于我们的现代生活中,有着重要的意义。本文通过对当下博物馆中 传统文化符号的缺失进行调查,并总结出其缺失的四个表现:一是方匾子的机 械运用;二是传统符号的古板模仿;三是文化符号传承表面化;四是符号的过 度装饰。 如何将传统文化符号博物馆中融入呢?文章通过对传统文化符号形态、色 彩、装饰材料、意境四个角度分析并阐述了传统文化符号在现代构建方法与其 在博物馆中的应用。并以苏州博物馆为例,让人直观感受了对传统文化符号的 应用,借以此引发读者对如何更好的继承和发展中国传统文化符号这一话题的 思考。 【关键词】传统文化符号;缺失表现;构建与应用;苏州博物馆 The application of traditional cultural symbol in the museum -- in Suzhou museum as an example Abstract The reasonable application of Chinese traditional culture symbol in the museum design, absorbing the essence of traditional culture symbols, and its embodiment in ou r modern life, has an important significance.This article through to the present the lac k of traditional cultural symbol in the museum, and summarized its missing four perfo rmance: One is a party plaque son of machinery use; Two it is the traditional symbol o f rigid imitation; Three it is traditional culture inheritance superficial sign; Four is exc essive decoration symbols. How in the museum into the traditional culture symbol? Based on the traditional culture symbol, color, decoration materials, four aspects analyzes and expounds the ar tistic conception of traditional cultural symbol in the modern construction method and its application in the museum. As a case study of Suzhou museum, intuitive feeling le tting a person on the application of traditional cultural symbols, they cause the reader on how to better inherit and develop Chinese traditional culture symbol thinking of thi s topic. Keywords:Traditional culture symbol; Lack of performance; Construction and a pplication; Suzhou museum 目 录 引言………………………………………………………………………………… 1 一、概念界定……………………………………………………………………… 1 (一)传统文化符号的概念……………………………………


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