ASME PTC 53-2018 机械和热能储存系统.pdf

ASME PTC 53-2018 机械和热能储存系统.pdf

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Mechanical and Thermal Energy Storage Systems Performance Test Codes This is a Draft Standard for Trial Use and Comment This Draft Standard is not an approved consensus standard ofASME nor is it an American National Standard. ASME has approved its issuance and publication as a Draft Standard only. Distribution of this Draft Standard for comment shall not continue beyond 1 year from the date of issuance. The content of this Draft Standard for Trial Use and Comment was not approved through ASME’s consensus process. Following the 1-year trial and comment period, this Draft Standard, along with comments received, will be submitted to a Consensus Committee or Project Team. The Consensus Committee or Project Team will review and revise this Draft Standard based, in part, upon experience during the trial term and resulting comments町 A public review in accordance with established American National Standards Institute [ANSI) procedures is required at the end ofthe Trial-Use Period and before a Draft Standard for Trial Use is submitted to ANSI for approval as an American National Standard. Thereafter, it is expected that this Draft Standard (including any revi s ions thereto) will be submitted to ANSI for approval as an Amer阳n Nat i Standard. Suggestions for revision should be directed to the Secretary, PTC 53 Committee u sing the following form : http://go .as m / PTC53CommentForm. A泪县、 )€划是S( t与信bζJ The Ame『ican Society of ~⑤ Mechanical Engineers Two Pa rk Avenue • New Yo『k, NY • 10016 USA Date of Issuance : February 26, 2018 Th is Draft Standard for Trial Use wi ll be revised following



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