ASME STP-SA-055-2012 流动起重机标准指南 Guide to Mobile Crane Standards.pdf

ASME STP-SA-055-2012 流动起重机标准指南 Guide to Mobile Crane Standards.pdf

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STP-SA-055 GUIDE TO MOBILE CRANE STANDARDS Prepared by: Dennis Eckstine εcksti ne and Associates, Inc. / 共SMt: STANDARDS 、 TECHNOLOGY llC Date oflssuance: December 2 1, 2012 Th is report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by ASME Safety Codes and Standards and the ASME Standards Technology, LLC (ASME ST-LLC). Neither ASME, ASME ST-LLC, the author, nor others involved in the preparation or review of this report, nor any of the ir respective employees, members or persons acting on their beha lf, makes any waπanty, express or impl ied, or assumes any legal liabi lity or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disc losed, or represents that its use would not infi inge upon privately owned rights. Reference herein to any sp巳cific commercia l product, process or service by trade name, trademark, manu facturer or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imp ly its endorsement, recommendation or f画voring by ASME ST-LLC or others involved in the preparation or review of this report, or any agency ther巳of. The v iews and opin ions ofthe authors, conn ibutors and reviewers of th e repo11 expressed h白白n do not necessari ly reflect those of ASME ST-LLC or others involved in the preparation or review ofthis report, or any agency thereof. ASME ST-LLC does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent r ights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does uot undertake to insure anyone utilizing a publ ication aga inst liabi lity for infringement of any appl icable Letters Patent, nor assumes any such liabi lity Us



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